I did an inspection today on a 4-plex. One apartment with basement had a bedroom in the basement with an oil tank in the bedroom (sort of). I really need some thoughts about this one, here are some facts:
1. the bedroom had a 6-ft ceiling,…
2. there was a partition wall separating (wood studs and drywall) the bedroom from an oil tank,…
3. the bedroom had a drop ceiling, but most of the tiles were removed.
4. there was an odor of petroleum in the room.
5. Access to the tank is through a hatch in the closet although youwould have to be pretty small guy to get into the space.
6. The fill spout is leaking oil on top of the tank
7. the tank was manufactured in 1996
8. Clearance from the tank to the partition wall is about8-inches
I suspect that this is a health and safety issue but I cannot find definitive code requirements that support my concerns.
Are there Ontario Building code requirements that prevent this type of installation?
How would you report it?
CSA B139 Installation Code For Oil-Burning Equipment states in section 6.4.1 that the tank must be “installed in rooms for storage tanks that conform to the National Fire Code of Canada”.
Since the partition wall did not have complete fire separation perhaps it does not meet the requirement!?!? What do you think?
B139 also states in section
“Supply tanks shall be accessible after installation so that they can be inspected”
Since the clearance between the tank and the partition wall is about 8-inches, perhaps the oil companies may reject this tank for this reason!?
Any experts here with some advice? I have some pics if interested.
I’m heading to the Hockey game tonight (Ottawa vs New Jersey) so if you don’t hear from me I will respond ASAP when I get home.