Isn’t amazing that lawmakers will do anything to stay in the media light. You can only learn so much as an inspector. SOP’s limit what you can and cannot inspect anyway. Do contractors, home builders, repair persons, roofers, plumbers, electricians have to have continuing education? These rules are only being placed into play by educational providers looking to make a buck. I wonder how much they “donated” to the campaign funds.
InterNACHI’s FREE, online, approved continuing education to the rescue:
You are right, Nick. I should clarify.
The other national home inspection association “AS*I” is pushing these laws into play so they can make money by selling their educational classes and tests to the states. Any member of this “other” orginization who pays membership fees, or other funds, contributes to these efforts, and the campaign coffers of these “lawmakers”. Republicans or Democrats does not make a difference; they all accept campaign contributions from whomever offers it.
I am so glad that I joined iNACHI after years of inspections, and a non-member of any orginization during that time. I heard of pending laws here in Kansas that required inspectors to be a member of a national home inspection orginization. After asking fellow RE agents, all of which hated “AS*I”, there was only one other logical choice.
Personally i do not see anything wrong with CE being required keeps you refreshed in a changing occupation . a day without something new being learned is a wasted day .
I agree!!!
Continuing education is a must and, possibly, the only useful thing anyone will ever find in home inspection legislation (since the majority of inspectors do not belong to national associations with annual CE requirements).
State mandated entry level education and tests, however, are a farce. They mean nothing more than income for the vendors who provide them and do little to assure the public of a quality home inspection.
Just because you take a driver’s license test, and get a driver’s license, does not make you a good driver. Same in any other contractor or repair business. iNACHI videos, informational CE tests, message board stories, ongoing inspection articles are a necessity in this business.
I believe laws against texting and other activities during driving should be implemented. They, along with many other laws, (home security, imigration, jobs, budgets, etc.) are more important than home inspection laws. Senators and house representatives in every state need to prioritize their own agendas.
Mothers Against Drunk Drivers (M.A.D.D.) say that most drunk drivers possess valid driver’s licenses.