I'm typing this from Orlando Home Inspector licensing meeting.

About 200 in attendance.

We took a poll at the meeting by raising hands. Nearly every attendee (about 185 members) with exception of a few inspectors is a member of InterNACHI!

Wow! Great InterNACHI turn out!

I count about 75 members wearing InterNACHI T-shirts.

Another GC just testified that InterNACHI’s online education is better than any classroom course they’ve taken.

Nick remember: If you are an inspector now you should be an inspector tomorrow. Grandfather in period. Come July 10, 2010 we shall continue the business.

And another GC testifying similarly. It’s become the “InterNACHI has the best education” event.

An inspector correctly arguing that the state should not adopt a set SOP.

Department explaining that if they adopt an SOP it will not favor ASHI or InterNACHI particularly.

Former ASHI President Mark Cramer testified that InterNACHI’s online education should be accepted toward the 120 hour requirement.

I hate it when I’m forced to agree with an ASHI Pres. :cool::wink:

Mark also eloquently and correctly argued that General Contractors should be viewed as a distinct profession from home inspectors.

He asked a great question “If GCs get to be grandfathered as HIs, do HIs get to be grandfathered as GCs?”

Despite “Number of inspections” and “Number of years in business” NOT appearing at all in the law, speakers are still asking how they prove they’ve been in business for 3 years. Aaaagh! :roll:

InterNACHI shirts everywhere.

Home inspection portion of the meeting over. I’ll be back for the mold portion after lunch.


Good updates


Contractors in FL for most licenses have to prove three or fours years employment in the field prior to getting a license.

Anyone ought to be able to produce business (occupational) licenses as proof or here’s a thought, there should be a record of their company in the State’s Fictitious Name Registry. In FL it has to be renewed every 5yrs. There are probably another dozen ways to prove they have been in business unless they have been operating illegally, then they just need to be horse-whipped. :wink:

I hung out with Steve Taylor all day, just had lunch with Greg Bell and Russell Hensel. Mold portion of the meeting just began.


Thanks for your support. It was good to see you.

All in business when the bill was signed into law should be grandfathered.

NACHI Rocks!!

Mark Cramer doing a great job again re-stating what I’ve always said that “Home inspectors are better suited to do mold assessments than environmental professionals”

I agree. To do a proper mold inspection one has to look at the home holistically and understand plumbing leaks, roof leaks, moisture intrusion, ventilation, HVAC, condensation, grade issues, etc… not just take a mold sample.

Mark’s testimony supports www.IAC2.org 's policy of requiring applicants to first become members of InterNACHI.

Some expressing that they know that IAC2 procured the insurance required by the law, but are complaining that non-InterNACHI members can’t join IAC2 and so can’t get the insurance.

Some warning the department that insurance will be difficult to get.

So many different indoor air associations with so many vowels. :roll: Reminds me of the song “Old McDonald had a farm, E I E I O.” :smiley: