Licensed Home Inspector just south of Orlando FL needing some work, any positions available?.
30 years in construction: 20 years as residential and commercial masonry contractor, and 10 years as residential home builder over 600 homes completed. Last year I did 60 residential home Inspections
Please call if you need a inspector.
Michael, you may want to contact some CMIs or CPIs within 40 to 50 miles, or closer, to your area and communicate with them. Maybe one, or more, will help you. Some inspectors feel as though they are training their competition by ride-alongs or mentoring or hiring.
I appreciate that Larry, not really looking for inspection training or ride alongs. Looking for paid inspection work and yes it is hard to get hired because so many inspectors are solo. I would really like to find some lead generation as well. I will start to market a bit with local real estate brokers. Thanks for your advice Larry.
Its not much fun but your gonna have to network like crazy. I was able to get into a 1 seat per profession networking group that had a kick ass realtor and that really opened some doors for me once she saw the quality of my work. It also meant waking up extra early for the cross town meeting every Wednesday morning at 7am but it definitely was worth it.
Most of my clients show up to the inspection and when finished with discussing the repairs with them I give them a small speech about how I work for myself and any referrals are greatly appreciated…etc.