Originally Posted By: jpope This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
This equipment panel (sub panel) has problems. The grounds and neutrals are bonded. It is fed from another EP. No question about this one, it’s just wrong.

This next equipment panel feeds the one above. It has a three wire feed with metal conduit from the service panel. Both EP's are in the same building (a garage). It also has grounds and neutrals bonded.

Here's my question.
The second panel pictured should have a grounding electrode system per 250.32A. Correct?
If the GES were installed at this EP, would separation of the grounds and neutrals still be required here?
The third EP was fed, as well, by three wires and metal conduit to another building approximately 200 feet away. It was an all metal building (a horse stable) bolted to a concrete foundation. No GES here either, but grounds and neutrals were separated. The box was attached directly to the metal bldg.
Would that constitute a GES?
This guy works for Southern CA Edison and tells me there are NO problems with his set up 
-- Jeff Pope
JPI Home Inspection Service
"At JPI, we'll help you look better"
(661) 212-0738
Originally Posted By: Brian A. Goodman This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I can’t quote code numbers for you, but as I understand it…
The main panel (in photo #2 I believe) must have a grounding electrode.
The subpanel in the house (photo#1 I believe) does not need one.
The subpanel in the building 200 feet away must have one to eliminate the potential variation in resisitance between the two locations, which can be dangerous. I think all of the usual methods are acceptable, but grounding via the enclosure to the building to the bolts to the rebar isn't one of them. I'd say it still needs a conforming grounding electrode.
The order is a little confusing there, so I could be wrong. Wait on a code guru before acting.
Originally Posted By: Greg Fretwell This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Before I quickly condenmed that ground electrode at the barn I would wany to know the details of the hold down bolts. If they are tied to the rebar he might be able to say the metal frame of the building was effectively grounded.
If the garage is a separate structure it certainly needs an electrode and you have a good call on the sub panels.
Originally Posted By: jpope This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Thanks guys.
Three buildings with a total of 4 panels from one service. Only the service panel and building were equipped with GES.
The report stated that there was no visible GES at the garage and arena. It also stated that bonding of neutrals and grounds at equipment panels is not allowed.
I'm sure this guy will have a fit when he see's the report 
-- Jeff Pope
JPI Home Inspection Service
"At JPI, we'll help you look better"
(661) 212-0738