We did an inspection yesterday for a former client’s daughter. During the inspection he informed me I missed something while inspecting his home. Venting at the outdoor kitchen cabinet. That’s the first time I’ve been aware of any issue with outdoor kitchen cabinet venting. Apparently one of his neighbors the propane tank had leaked inside the cabinet and when he lit the grill the cabinet exploded injuring his grandson. I’m adding a new narrative to my template. Today’s outdoor kitchen had an upper and lower vent. Is anyone aware of a Code requirement for this?
Dave, as you know codes vary from jurisdictions and I know there isn’t one in my area. But I did find this on youtube. You may have seen it already…
Excellent video, thanks Tom.
Thanks for the post. Something else I learned and will be checking for when I come across them.
Yeah, that’s a good video, my only nit to pick with it is that the location of the venting is important depending on the fuel type.
Propane is heavier than air, Nat gas is lighter. In the video, they show a propane tank, but the vent is clearly near the top of the space. Maybe there’s a vent in both areas?
Good point Mark, I can see my new narrative coming into shape. NG or propane it would seem both upper and lower vents would be advantageous similar to an attic. I’m very familiar with Florida Building Code and not aware of any such requirements (not saying this particular detail may have been overlooked). But not aware of any requirements. While I have seen vents in cabinets before today was the first time I’ve ever seen upper and lower vents in a ODK cabinet. My client said that the builder had sent out certified letters to everyone in his neighborhood warning about the hazard. 2023 FBC is still in draft maybe a suggestion is in order.
Feel free to share :).
I helped build an outdoor kitchen recently and we built vents into it just because. We didn’t even think about it as in to add or not add, it was simply “we should put vents here and here”. Contained gas is always bad.
…why I fart freely.
You’re still a lucky man. I don’t trust my farts and the Guvment anymore. Both want to squirt shit out when you’re not expecting it…
“more room out than in” author known but not disclosed.
ODK not a big deal in Colorado. I think I’ve seen one in five years, but now something else to pay attention to next time I see one.
thank you and good video
You have me beat. I’ve built a couple, to plans, but haven’t seen one on an inspection in nearly 20 yrs.
Likely excluded in your SoP.
You may be correct, but potential safety hazards observed will always go into my report.
Sure I get that.
But the client is under the impression you missed something when in fact it may be outside the scope. Example, I do not inspect home security systems so if it does not work it is not because I missed it.
That information is included too, I was glad he told me about it.
The IPC and IFGC don’t address venting in outdoor kitchen islands. Venting requirements are covered in the appliance manufacturer’s installation documentation. I have this covered as a radio button in my tablet reporting app. My standard blurb is:
“The home features an outdoor kitchen with a drop-in cooking appliance fueled by the home’s natural gas // liquified propane gas supply. Most manufacturers require specific venting schemes based on fuel and appliance size. We noted no venting in the appliance’s cabinet enclosure. We recommend that the seller provide documentation on the appliance’s cabinet venting requirements for review and record.”