Originally Posted By: bsumpter This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
As long as they leave a 12" x 12" opening in the wall once they sheetrock for service access it ok.
I just have seen very few of these with laundry drains in my area of operations. Perhaps they should have used one with a clean out fitting on the bottom to facilitate service?
Typically, I see a wye fitting used to direct and connect, not a trap.
Originally Posted By: ckratzer This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
It will drain just fine.The plumber just didn’t line the luandry box up for a straight shot to the trap.If the box had it’s side adjustment straps it would have been real easy to do . Those straps are missing ,(no big deal ), so it looks like they probably mounted directly through the box and into the 2X above.
In looking at the “sheathing” though I wouldn’t expect much in terms of quality or detail in that home.
Originally Posted By: five.five This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
the info is very helpful.
I saw that the pipe wasn’t lined up for a “standard” P trap. and figured I’d snap a pic of what was done, because I would think it wouldn’t drain too well, the way it was plumbed.
I have noticed some “corner-cutting” on this home, and it is over 3k sq. feet, with a detached 3 and 1/2 car garage.
Big money for a home down here (to me anyway).
Thanks again everyone, and Cheremie for your help.
I have a feeling the owner of this home thought the same thing as to why his sink was draining slowly...

So he cut it off and stuck it thru the sidewall of the home to drain better out of the home.
Originally Posted By: Jay Moge This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
five.five wrote:
I have noticed some "corner-cutting" on this home, and it is over 3k sq. feet, with a detached 3 and 1/2 car garage.
Big money for a home down here (to me anyway).
hay i want to know were to buy a 1/2 car? if it's a 3 1/2 car garage, i want to use it as it was designed.