Originally Posted By: mpettitt This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Harvey, when I do get down that way you won’t have to pay for drinks, they’ll be on me, thanks. The sprinklers are contacting the home in several locations. I pulled up the carpet on outside corners and found moisture stains and elevated moisture content on the carpet tack strips, which I first suspected as being from the sprinklers. But now (from what you’ve said) I also suspect inadequate stucco coverage which is why I put this up for opinions. Theres about three or four of those rust spots which I attributed to failed fasteners. I will recommend a stucco evaluation. BTW, whats the worst that can happen on a conc. blk. home when water penetrates the stucco? Loose stucco, rusting mesh etc. Also found serveral windows with lower moisture penetration on the drywall returns (minor). This home shows nice but has many problems from a 5 year old roof that has several issues, moisture problems behind ceramic tile in both baths, failed dual pane windows (lots) and many other small issues. Mike