Originally Posted By: phinsperger This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Yeah but is it any good?
NACHI needs a "Consumers Reports" type section for inspection tools. Not just personal experiences but independent, 3rd partly laboratory testing.
-Testing that puts these products through their paces.
-Sees if there are as accurate as their specifications indicate.
-Durability testing.
-And then report the findings in a comparison manner with other similar products include price.
What an advantage that would be both for the new inspector who has a limited budget but looking for quality as well as the veteran inspector looking to replace a old tool for a new one.
I don't know about you guys but when I see a $37.15 Portable Gas Detector I don't have much confidence in it.
Sorry Nick, but the NACHI Superior Product seal just does't do it for me.
Originally Posted By: Nick Gromicko This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
This message board IS the Consumer Reports for the inspection industry. If we get a lot of complaints about a product or service, we pull their seals and let everyone know here. If we get a lot of compliments about a product or service, we let them use the seals and add them to www.InspectorMALL.com
System works pretty well, actually better than the real Consumer Reports because EACH of us can voice their opinion/experience with regard to the vendor...right here... for all to see.
Being a NACHI member is like being a Roman Citizen to most vendors... we get extra service, better pricing, etc.
Originally Posted By: phinsperger This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
gromicko wrote:
This message board IS the Consumer Reports for the inspection industry..... If we get a lot of compliments about a product or service, we let them use the seals.
The only referance I find for the pocket air check on the message board is this thread. No other referance I could find. So where did the compliments come from that enabled the use of the NACHI seal?
I'm only using this product as an example. I'm not trying to deflame it. I have absolutely no knowlegdge or experiance with this product. It may in fact be a great product. I don't know. With the NACHI seal of approval on it I still don't know.
Nick, I really don't want to be negative about a NACHI program but my gut tells me that a NACHI seal means; Vendor apporached NACHI and said "hey, we'll give your members a discount" and NACHI said "here's our seal of approval to put on you website". I'm sure your going to tell me that there's more to it,...oh yeah the complaint/comment thing ![icon_rolleyes.gif](upload://iqxt7ABYC2TEBomNkCmZARIrQr6.gif) I think there should be a bit more to it than that.
Originally Posted By: phinsperger This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
) Any additional testing relivant to a particulary product catagory
Consumers reports secretly purchase their prodducts from random loactions to ensure that there is no tampering and to remain uninfluenced by the 'Freebies' factor. I don't think we need to go that far. But a vendor should be willing to donate at least 1 unit. Any products that are still usable after testing can be given to the NACHI Foundation.