So I was reading the laws on Florida pool safety, almost every home that I come across has the standard pool screen enclosure with a side screen door, and a sliding glass door into the house. I have been reading the laws and just looking for clearification.
The first thing is they word it that you need an audible alarm for the sliding glass door, then they say this in the next sentence
*All doors providing direct access from the home to the pool**must be equipped with a selfclosing, self latching device with positive mechanical latching/locking installed a minimum of 54 *
*inches (1372 mm) above the threshold, which is approved by the authority having jurisdiction.
*So does the sliding glass door need to be self closing?
And then with the side screen door, I know it needs to be self-closing, but the way it reads it needs to be self locking, which gates are, but not a screened in door. So am I missing something about side doors or does it just need to be self closing and self latching.
No only the EXTERIOR doors leading to the pool. All windows that open and all doors leading to the pool must have an alarm.
Yes, self closing and self latching…the latching is considered locking. They mean the door or gate cannot just be “pushed” open.
The door must open OUT, away from the pool as well. So if for some reason the door does not latch, the door leading to the pool cannot just be “pushed” open and the small child enter the pool area.
That pdf looks like it might be from 2004, on the 2010 building code website
Where a wall of a dwelling serves as part
of the barrier, one of the following shall apply:
All doors and windows providing direct access
from the home to the pool shall be equipped with
an exit alarm complying with UL 2017 that has a
minimum sound pressure rating of 85 dB A at 10
feet (3048 mm). Any deactivation switch shall be
located at least 54 inches (1372 mm) above the
threshold of the access. Separate alarms are not required for each door or window if sensors wired to
a central alarm sound when contact is broken at any opening.
a. Screened or protected windows having a bottom sill height of 48 inches (1219 mm) or more
measured from the interior finished floor at the pool access level.
b. Windows facing the pool on floor above the first
c. Screened or protected pass-through kitchen
windows 42 inches (1067 mm) or higher with a
counter beneath.
All doors providing direct access from the home to
the pool must be equipped with a self-closing,
self-latching device with positive mechanical
latching/locking installed a minimum of 54 inches
(1372 mm) above the threshold, which is approved
by the authority having jurisdiction