Any theories on why?
Pretty simple - they are not making a profit, haven’t been for awhile, and the forecast is more of the same. More stock sellers than buyers and the price drops. Angi slightly better, but tanked last quarter and is in the same category.
Porch stock is still below $1 and in danger of having to take action to prevent delisting. New earnings release comes out this next week. Will be interesting to see what is new.
They are trying, everything is down.
Last month Porch agreed (along with the opposing party) for me to be the lone arbitrator in a multi-million dollar disagreement they were having. It lasted a couple days. I’m not permitted to discuss it, but I will say that in the end, they were very honorable and I got it settled. That counts for something in my book.
Hopefully nachi is ready to swoop in and scoop up ISN
That would be quite the scoop that would make many InterNACHI members very happy. @gromicko
Bought 88 cents and sold today for 1.17.
Nice work!