A first for me today, Schedule 40 power vent piping, burnt at the base, virtually disconnected, and actually curved on its angled route up. I actually turned the water heater off at the gas valve on this one, and let both Realtors know. Must have been some serious heat.
Any pics of the water heater, not sure looks like a standard draft hood
Do you have a wider shot of the water heater?
That appears to be the recalled ultravent coming off the boiler in the background.
Check your other thread for details.
That’s a power vent on top of the water heater but it doesn’t look right.
Handyman special?
Either way. Defer this to the appropriate professional.
The whole house is a handyman special, Would not surprise me if this was too.
Received a “Thank you, Thank you, Thank you” call this afternoon from the SELLER on this house. He was glad I pointed it out, he would have never thought to check the water heater, and the Boiler was JUST serviced, and apparently they didnt know about the recall, even though they installed it
Giving Credit where credit is due, I personally thank Mike Larson, and all who posted. NACHI rocks.