Originally Posted By: gbeaumont This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Hi to all,
boy, you are a boring lot, is no one prepared to take a stab at all the deficiencies with this installation ? 
Originally Posted By: bkelly2 This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Single vent is too close to everything. Double vent too close to drywall. Piping not adequately supported. Scorch marks at top of water heater. Vent slope. Piping material?
Originally Posted By: dnewby This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
This is a great question and picture!
Ok I will give this a stab.
Are those Gray electrical fittings. What is that brown piping below the electrical fittings?
The exhaust is not drawing out properly from the burn on top of the water heater. The b-vent pipe connection is not correct, it looks like 2 different sizes. At this connection there could be exhaust leaking into the room. The 1 inch clearance through the wall is missing. You can see that the "Great Stuff" is turning black from the heat. Is "Great Stuff" flammable??
Question: How far should the exhaust vent pipe go up before you can put on a 90.?
Originally Posted By: doldfield This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Piping is wrong type.
connection of plastic to metal is pb plastic
vent is sealed witha flammable substance
First bend in exhaust is too close. needs to be 18 inches. Burn marks on the top of water heater shows a down draft situation. No noticible PRV.
burn marks on the plastic pipe shows excessive heat is not being drawn out properly.All piping should be of a non-coumbustible material. Copper is the preffered since it can take a wide range of tempss without any damage.
– Integrity means doing it right. Even when no one will know.
Originally Posted By: lewens This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
It is just wrong. It is wrong in so many ways. Wrong ,not correct, fubar, handyman install, my uncle the plumber is laughing and hasn’t even seen it I could go on but I think you get the idea.
Originally Posted By: rharrington This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I don’t see it but my guess is that there is not enough combustible air in this space with all the down draft evidence. The walls are close and I’m betting there is just a door with no vents on it.
Originally Posted By: tmorrow This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
PB piping typical in mobile constr. also the wallpapered sheetrock to the right is definately mobile. I would say this is an upgrade from the eletric WH that came with the mobile.
vent is sealed witha flammable substance
First bend in exhaust is too close. needs to be 18 inches. Burn marks on the top of water heater shows a down draft situation. No noticible PRV.
burn marks on the plastic pipe shows excessive heat is not being drawn out properly.All piping should be of a non-coumbustible material.
Affordable housing means be prepared to fix on a regular dasis.