printing equipment

Originally Posted By: lschmid
This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.

I am looking for the right computer - printer-digital camera combo for doing professional, high quality on the site reports. Could any of you experts out there help me with what you have used or what you would get if buying today. Thanks for all the help. icon_biggrin.gif

Originally Posted By: gbeaumont
This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.

Hi Larry,

welcome to the forum. We have discussed both laptops and mobile printers recently in this forum, try th search function just under the nachi message boards type.

I personally love the fujitsu touch screen laptops as theyare so easy to use with most software and save a lot of key strokes, for printers I have a canon mobile but am thinking of using a faster printer in the car through a power inverter.

Hope this helps.

Gerry Beaumont

NACHI Education Committee

e-mail :

NACHI phone 484-429-5466

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