Originally Posted By: Chris Morrell This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
E-mail me again. I've lost a number of e-mails due to a hardware failure. I'll look into it over the next couple of days (but make sure to send me an e-mail -- I tend to forget things if they're not in my inbox ![icon_smile.gif](upload://b6iczyK1ETUUqRUc4PAkX83GF2O.gif))
Originally Posted By: troberts1 This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Are you the person in charge of the E-Mail marketing System? Is it working, we have been asking but have not got to the person that knows any think about it yet. Help Us if you can thanks.
Originally Posted By: Nick Gromicko This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
We cannot remove a member based on what he says on a message board somewhere. He has to call, write, or email us. The message board creates some heated arguments and members sometimes say things they don’t mean.
I can't tell you how many emails I've gotten over the years that say "I just had an argument with so and so on the message board and if this is the type of person you permit to join NACHI, then I quit." I wait a few days... and they email me saying "please disregard my last email... I love NACHI."
There are only 14 members in the history of NACHI who actually quit, most of them are Canadians who were instructed to. Three were ASHI members who did it to create some sort of big publicity stunt (as if that would slow us down??? we had 12 join this evening). We have the highest retention rate of any trade association in the world (well over 99%)... not just of home inspection associations... but of all trade associations in the world that ever existed. That is amazing considering the independent mindedness of home inspectors (many working alone for years).
Originally Posted By: kmcmahon This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I’m referring to those members that no longer are members by way of not renewing their membership. They are listed on the search engines but no “certified” seal is next to their name. They are not members any longer, but are still searchable on the NACHI search engines.
Originally Posted By: Nick Gromicko This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
When a staff member isn’t busy we have a list of projects (send out mousepads for example) for them to work on. One of them is to confirm that each member is in business. We recently called nearly every member to clean out the http://www.nachi.org/deadwood.htm Some haven’t paid because we failed to bill them, or failed to bill them at their correct address. Furthermore Gary Johnson changed the invoices recently to include a way for members to donate a portion of their dues to the NACHI Foundation and it took us 5 months to change all the billing and accounting systems over to reflect. The Inspector’s Quarterly and Real Property Times both come out on the 5th and so everyone is super busy and probably won’t get to this project until the week of the convention… when the cat is away . I keep expecting a break in the action but it never comes, 400+ members joining a month still. Is there no end? Reminds me of a story…