Proper CSST bonding

Make sure you know the difference between “bonding” and “additional bonding” when talking about CSST.

Correct as it simply conducts and dissipates 10 x better.

You are referencing the new design of that csst not bonding vs additional bonding right?

Many home inspectors report “gas pipe not bonded” when it actually is.
The pipe is electrically connected to the furnace cabinet via the furnace valve mounting and the branch circuit ground. This is a very poor high resistance bond to ground and has been improved by what is called “additional bonding”.

The new pipe, usually black, may not need “additional bonding” according to the manuf or the code at this time but it is a good idea.

Check out the video on their site Bruce.
But yes it all is bonded I hope.
This stuff just conducts better according to them.

Regardless of the material used (CSST, black-steel pipe) this is an inadequate bond, and does not satisfy the NEC bonding requirements.

Some gas co. in some areas do install a ground rod at the meter . That is gas co. decision for , they say safety reasons against outside static .:smiley:

hello folks. firstly an apology - I am a homeowner and occasional reluctant contractor, and by no means an expert about building code.
a multi family dwelling I just purchased has 90% threaded gas pipe, but in one of the units it switches to CSST for one gas heater. as far as I can discover, it is not bonded to the electrical ground. the electrical ground is the water main - just as it enters the basement.
a few questions - can I bond the gas line with the CSST by running a #6 wire from the pipe between the gas meter and the appliance, to the same water main?
As per Bruce King’s post, will that provide the same equipotential as the electrical ground?
OR, should I take the extra pains to run the #6 wire directly to the electrical panel box and attach it to the ground bus bar? and if so, does it have to attach to the panel corresponding to that apartment? or will any of the panel boxes suffice?
and one other detail - the gas pipe where I would attach the #6 wire is about 40-50 pipe feet from where the conversion to CSST occurs. problem or not?