(Michael F. Gabbamonte, 16000063807)
Good evening all. I hope this is the correct area on the forum to ask this question. In the state of New York, what are the requirements to test / inspect for mold? Are there certain classes or training centers I should be attending or can I take the Mold Inspection & Advanced Mold Inspection classes offered here on InterNACHI?
I don’t believe the state of NY licenses mold inspectors.
(Michael F. Gabbamonte, 16000063807)
Ok, hoping to get confirmation. I’m asking a few NY inspectors as well outside of the forum.
My next question would be, since in most inspection agreements it does say the inspector does not test for mold. Would a mold test be offered as an additional service? Or if you see clear evidence of mold would you just report it instead. ?
There is a proposal in the legislature to require licensing for mold remediation companies, but so far there is no real movement. A bill has been drafted and sponsored, but is in committee.
Therer are specific licensing requirements for both asbestos and lead. Asbestos is handled by the NYDOL.
Radon testing also requires no license, though if you want to be listed with the NY State DOH, you need to be a member of NEHI or NRSB. Testing is not enough fr9on either organization. Membership is a requirement. I have tried to convince Nick to have IAC2 listed, but to no avail so far.
(Michael F. Gabbamonte, 16000063807)
Good to know, I Wish I would have joined InterNACHI months ago, I spent money on the RTCA online course & exam, and I had no clue about that radon testing does not require a license. Thanks Joe.