Originally Posted By: Mike Parks This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
There is a correct answer above.
The "real" answer is E. Why?
Becuase if the utility company puts it in it does not fall under the NEC.
At least in Ohio. We have been trying to argue this but the utilities have convince the State that it is under their control. In otherwords they told us to pound sand.
Now if they are under the NESC that differs to the NEC.
The above is a good call but it may not be enforcable.
Originally Posted By: rmoore This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I’m ashamed to say that I’m one of the ones that answered C. Here was my thought process…
Plumbing vents must be 10 feet from or 2 feet above a window...therefore C.  Yes...I know it's an electrical question, and I do know the right answer, but I made the mistake of not letting my caffiene kick in this morning before firing up the computer.
-- Richard Moore
Rest Assured Inspection Services
Seattle, WA
Originally Posted By: jmyers This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Getting it wrong it certainly ok. It does not make you a worse inspector than anyone else here and in time it will only make you a better inspector since these are things that all inspectors should know. Keeping these simple rules in front of you can only help to increase your memory retention since repetition is the basis for learning, just take a look at your school years. Did you ever wonder why they repeated that crap, year after year! 
BTW...according to the majority, I answered incorrectly too.
Originally Posted By: jmyers This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Actually Dave, I was thinking it was 8 and 3 but went with 12 and 3. I did not read the code check books yet, not do I measure the height of the sevice unless it is relatively low.