Originally Posted By: ecrofutt This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Anyone with eyes can see that the ONLY problem or issue with this receptacle is that the ground blade should be on top, not on bottom.
But that wasn't even listed as an option. ![nachi_sarcasm.gif](upload://6HQh6KbNiD73gqTNQInjrR2zeJw.gif) ![nachi_sarcasm.gif](upload://6HQh6KbNiD73gqTNQInjrR2zeJw.gif) ![nachi_sarcasm.gif](upload://6HQh6KbNiD73gqTNQInjrR2zeJw.gif)
And I thought this was going to be a hard question.
Originally Posted By: rgippner This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Hello All
I actually ran into something like this many years ago. In a retail store I saw the prong end of an extension chord laying on the floor. It was kind of a unique color. I remembered seeing one like it plugged into a receptacle in another room. Went to look and sure enough the cord went through a hole in the wall. I took out my tester, sure enough 120 volts.
I asked the owner about it and he told me that is how he lights his display cases. He never wired them just plugged custom made double prong extension chord into a convenience outlet in the display case.