Originally Posted By: jremas This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Is it worth the money to do your own radon or not worth the time due to the return trip (especially if you cover a large area) paying a sub only nets a few bucks but is it worth it. Let’s discuss.
I feel as though the return trip is not worth the extra money but then again does it fill in voids when we are slow?? Thoughts?
Jeff Remas
REMAS Inspections, Inc.
Northeastern PA & the Poconos
Originally Posted By: nlewis This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
It only takes a few extra minutes to do the radon testing while you are there doing the home insp., so it is worth the extra $. Pay someone to pick up the device if it is far away or if you are busy. When it is slow you can do the pickups to keep busy. Around here there are plenty of radon techs who will do pickups only.
Originally Posted By: jmyers This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
If you actually read the article Nick wrote you see why it is not profitable to do the actual testing yourself. In order for radon testing to actually add to your bottom line you would have to sub contract the testing out and have them pay the company a percentage of the proceeds. Then it would be profitable. If you do the math as Nick has done it should not take much to see while it is convenient for the client, it is not adding to your bottom line. If it were it would be so small a percentage that you would not even see it. 
Originally Posted By: jremas This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Oh boy, here we go, 2 different opinions in the 1st two replies. Actually I think Joe just waited for the first post so he could post the opposite. If the first post was different, so would Joe’s. Darn, why am I always ribbing you Joe? Just an easy target. Just send us some sunshine when you move to FL.
Jeff Remas
REMAS Inspections, Inc.
Northeastern PA & the Poconos
Originally Posted By: jremas This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Thanks Mark, very informative. As for now, I make a small profit on the guy I use and I don’t have to go back to the same place a 2nd time. I was looking at how much I paid out this year in sub-work and was a little disgusted. I have made some changes but this is the final decision to make. As of now, I don’t think I will be getting certified from the State of PA, but,… yah never know. Let’s make a profit first… hhhmmmmmm.
Jeff Remas
REMAS Inspections, Inc.
Northeastern PA & the Poconos