This should be connected to either the sump pit or they should have drilled a hole in the concrete floor/slab. The PVC pipe should terminate at least 10 feet above ground. Additionally, there should be a manometer on the PVC pipe (most likely inside the house) that will tell if it is working.
You are right to look in the service panel for a breaker labeled radon. That doesn’t always happen. Is a breaker turned off?
Passive system? System that was never completed? Plumbing vent?
(Jim Horton, State License #HI01100033)
Thanks Chris
The pieces of the puzzle may be coming together.
There was two sump pits, one had a functioning pump, the other was next to it (within a foot) with a cover that I couldn’t remove, nothing going to it.
My guess would be who ever did the recent remodel, which included a new gas furnace probably removed the inner piping not knowing what it was.
(Jim Horton, State License #HI01100033)
Nice pic…
What you see is what I see, which indicates this to be a radon mitigation system.
I’m going to suggest the buyer check with the owner (currently the bank) about more information regarding this property having a radon mitigation system.