Radon Mit System?

This looks to me like an active radon mitigation system, from the outside, but no markings anywhere to be found, no sound, nothing in the breaker box.

This was an expensive bank repo home, vacant for over a year.

Recently finished basement (due to flooding)and I find no signs of this entering…

What am I missing?

This should be connected to either the sump pit or they should have drilled a hole in the concrete floor/slab. The PVC pipe should terminate at least 10 feet above ground. Additionally, there should be a manometer on the PVC pipe (most likely inside the house) that will tell if it is working.

You are right to look in the service panel for a breaker labeled radon. That doesn’t always happen. Is a breaker turned off?

Passive system? System that was never completed? Plumbing vent?

Thanks Chris
The pieces of the puzzle may be coming together.
There was two sump pits, one had a functioning pump, the other was next to it (within a foot) with a cover that I couldn’t remove, nothing going to it.

My guess would be who ever did the recent remodel, which included a new gas furnace probably removed the inner piping not knowing what it was.


Nice pic…

What you see is what I see, which indicates this to be a radon mitigation system.

I’m going to suggest the buyer check with the owner (currently the bank) about more information regarding this property having a radon mitigation system.

Note: My radon results came back at 4.7

It’s not passive. There is a fan/blower in the picture. Additionally, it’s clearly wired.