Radon Quality Assurance Plans

Originally Posted By: Ed Hmurovic
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Does anyone have a Radon Quality Assurance Plan that they would be willing to share? I have passed the state and neha tests and would like to start my plan by using another as a guide. I would appreciate if another inspector could offer me one…“Thanks”!

Originally Posted By: jremas
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Who are you? What state are you from? Are you a member of NACHI yet? What type of QA/QC plan are you looking for?

Jeff Remas
REMAS Inspections, Inc.
Northeastern PA & the Poconos


Originally Posted By: Ed Hmurovic
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JRemas wrote:
Who are you? What state are you from? Are you a member of NACHI yet? What type of QA/QC plan are you looking for?

I am a Home Inspector working in Illinois/Indiana. The Qa/QC plan I am looking for would be used as a starting point for the one that I would end up submitting to Neha/State of Illinois. I would modify it to reflect the sun nuclear equipment and personal procedures I use. It was my hope that someone would have a document that I could start with..."Thanks"

Originally Posted By: psabados
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You should have the EPA National Radon Proficiency Program, "Guidance on Quality Assurance" EPA 402-R-95-012. All the steps for setting up a program is in the booklet. Your QA will probably have as many pages if not more. A document its not.

Each individual inspector should have their own program, based on the equipment that they plan on using in the field. You should be able to write the program in a couple of easy evenings, provided you are only using one testing device.

Didn't they cover this in your classroom work?


Originally Posted By: jremas
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The plan is based on what type of measuring device you plan on using…that is the reason for the questions…

Jeff Remas
REMAS Inspections, Inc.
Northeastern PA & the Poconos
