Radon - Radiological Safety Plan for Ohio

So Ohio says I need a radiological safety plan to submit with my application. Can anyone give me any guidance about where to find one or where to find a sample plan? I’m not exactly sure what to write/include and I’m not great at writing this stuff from scratch.



I got one for you if you still need an example?


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Thanks. I ended up writing one with a little help from a friend and some direction from my mentor. If anyone in Ohio needs one they can PM you or me now!


I also am struggling with submitting a safety plan, could you send me a copy of what you submitted?



Great post guys! I’m also attempting to license in Ohio and I’m struggle with different information on writing my QA and RSP plans. Any assistance would be appreciated.



Hey all,

I’m in Ohio as well, and I would love and example or guidance in writing my RSP too. Can anyone help?

I am in Ohio and I can’t seem to find they Radiological safety plan for Ohio. If you could help I would appreciate that.


Here is a link to the Radiological Safety Plan we submitted and had approved by the state of Ohio.


Hey Hyde,
Any idea how this would look for a sun nuclear 1027?

I have a website that will process radon QA plans. It will remind you for blanks, duplicates, spikes, cross checks, and calibrations. It also keeps track of personal exposure (required in many states). It produces spreadsheets and color graphs.

It will work on desktop or mobile devices.


Any questions or comments - shoot me a text or call 6104170763

Lawrence Transue

I am in need of A QA plan for Ohio. Would you still have something available that could help me. Thank you

Hey Justin - I have one for WV on my other laptop. It should be the same I would think.

I can send to you either tomorrow or Saturday.


I need help with a copy of an Ohio Radiologic Safety plan for Ohio Radon Mitigation or similar state well. Any thoughts are most appreciated.

I’m just getting started in Ohio and looking for any guidance on the QA/QC plan. Any direction or examples would be greatly appreciated.

Josh Prather
Access Ohio Home Inspections, LLC

Hello Hyde - I came across this post while looking for others’ tips on making an Ohio-approved RSP for measurement and mitigation license application. It looks like the link is no longer working. Would you be willing to share this plan again? Thanks in advance either way!

Hi Eric.

Hyde’s post is 8 years old and he hasn’t posted on this forum in 6 years.