Radon runner

Bill, Radon is a huge cash cow. I net about $30K every year just on radon with almost no extra work. Why don’t you like it? You must have some problems in your area that may be unique???

To each his own. I’ve never had issues with Radon testing.

If the Buyers want immediate Radon results, its not gonna happen, I don’t care what system you use.

If they are patiently awaiting radon results before they sign their P&S, then their Realtor simply places a contingency in the contract stating “Pending Radon Results”.’

Quite simple.

As for protocols, I always meet radon testing protocols as for properly placing these test kits according to the EPA standards. What happens to them (after I leave) is not my problem.

Let me guess. A strategically placed pubic hair at the top right of the canister?

Damn, you made my secret public.

Now everyone knows!!!