Random Photos - What have you shot lately (non-inspection)



About a foot. Has a steel pipe in the hull for ballast. Slides forward and backwards slightly to adjust. I know that was original because it is “trapped” under a small platform the clockwork motor mounts to.


They are in touch with your inner Viking/Pirate. Vikings and Pirates helped “distribute” cats around the world

No deer at this stand so far today. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


They are secretly waiting for YOU


This little buck found me just before dark.


How many tags can you get in MN?

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We can get two in my area. But one has to be a doe. I’m party hunting with my brother so together we can buy 4 tags.

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Congratulations! Looks mighty tasty.
Pre-tenderizing the loin were you? Just busting your chops, I see y’all hunt shotguns with open bead so good shooting!

No deer for me today but I take my girls (6yo & 4yo) out every opening weekend. We don’t hunt very long plus they have a lot to say at a not so low volume. The rut doesn’t even start until about the 1st of December down here anyway plus I hunt axis throughout the summer.

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Yeah, melt in your mouth tasty. Mmm…

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Thanks! Yeah, it was a weird shot. I almost didn’t pull the trigger because of the angle it was at. But I was on a 3 year deer drought, so took my chances.

Yeah, when my kids were younger we had some crazy times in the stand, lol. I never tried to make them sit too still or be too quiet. But funny enough, we usually saw deer back then. Now, the deer don’t seem as plentiful in my little area.

For being as young as mine are, they do really good. After 2 hours the youngest is pretty bored. My oldest can’t quite fit around the .243 yet so she still has to shoot my lightweight AR-15. I won’t let them shoot at deer with a cartridge that small so she is stuck shooting pigs for now. I won’t bother to shoot unless it is a big buck & will wait until January to fill the freezer with a couple cull bucks & a couple does.

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When my one daughter was ~6 she took an interest in guns and was curious. So, I put earmuffs on her and took her out after dark to my back range. I slowly loaded one bullet into my .45 ACP and had her stand next to me and slightly back and slowly fired it. The amount of fire that came out of that barrel and the muffled loud noise was sufficient to instill enough respect for weapons in her that she brought it up as her kids grew older and she asked if I would show them about guns also.

I’ll talk about deer hunting with her another time. Suffice to say that the 1st time was a charm.


We don’t have any seasons in Jan, and you definitely wouldn’t want to be sitting out in typical Jan weather around here, lol. Our firearms deer season is only 8 days in my area, so you best take what you can get when you can get it.

I almost took this little one just before the buck came on the scene, lol. But I was happier watching it than shooting it.

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Heck, I would be in the woods all 8 days. That would drive me crazy. I am fortunate enough to even hunt all year long with exotics & feral hogs in abundance.


In my area, the next biggest game to hunt is turkey, lol. But I could go a few hours north and hunt black bear. The bear hunting has such a low success rate though, that you can bait them using whatever you want. Bear hunters around here save up stale donuts and bread from stores, old cooking grease, whatever.

The turkey hunting is easy in my area, but honestly, they taste like crap, lol.



The hole is pretty far away from the vitals… So much for intact backstrap… :roll_eyes: :smirk:
On a positive note, they don’t run very far with a spine shot.

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Down is down, lol. Shotgun slug hunting is not a precision sport. :grin:


No argument there… :wink:

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