Can anyone tell me about the NACHI realestate letter? Can you view a copy of this on line? Any info on this will be greatly apprecieated.
I believe (3) e-newsletter distributions have occured over the past two years. It appears to be a program that has not been pursued and or taken full advantage of by the membership.
Nick controls the e-newsletter program. I’ve communicated with him about it on more than one occasion. His concern is with content. He believes if the content isn’t perfect, spam complaints will go through the roof. I’ve made some suggestions with regard to content as have a few other members.
I would say the propram is currently inactive.
NACHI only sends out the email newsletter after a member submits an article (typically real estate related with an inspection spin). The article is first tested on a 1,000 agents randomly for opt-out rate. Remember, once an agent opts-out, we can never email him/her again so we won’t blast it out to our entire database if it is a dud. If the opt-out rate is low we send it out to the entire database which is approaching 2 million. So far we’ve had a nearly zero opt-out rate with the one’s weve sent. The system of pre-testing for opt-out rate first works and protects the work our members have done to create the database. If you have a suggested article, email it to me at and I’ll test it.
Reminder again, I don’t follow every thread so if you need me to answer a question somewhere email me at and alert me.
Thanks for the info gentleman. Very helpfull. MARK.