A realtor who uses me quite a lot when she is the buyer’s agent just told me that she hates it when she hears I’m inspecting a home she is the listing agent for.
Just another selling point for pre-listing inspections.
" Save your seller the expense on what the buyer’s inspector is going to find, which could be me. Let me inspect it first."
As I’ve progressed at this over the last 22 years I’ve found agents don’t only appreciate a good thorough report but they also REALLY appreciate the accuracy of our findings. I regularly get my agents sending me reports on their listings where some new inspector is just flat out wrong and basically making things up.
You will also notice that some agents only refer you when they are representing their family or friends. Not worried about losing that fouth-fifths commish, when its someone they care about.
Good for you Kevin. That’s how it should be.
If you’re doing professional, objective inspections this is what you will hear more of.
Good on one hand, not so good on the other. You do not want the reputation amongst realtors of being a “deal breaker.” This is where good relationships pays off because when you have a good relationship, the realtor is more accepting of a thorough, honest report.
I agree. I don’t consider myself to be a deal breaker at all. I have just learned it is my job to observe and report what I see. It’s not my job to do the realtors work.
That is high praise.
Some years ago, an agent called me to schedule an inspection for his client. He told me that I had inspected one of his listings a few weeks earlier. He said that, I had picked it apart and he wanted that kind of inspection for his buyer. I have gotten referrals from him ever since. He has even paid for the inspections for some buyers who didn’t want to pay for an inspection.