Wand Raymond has reported a post.
Brian MacNeish is in breach of several of the forum rules.
He is trying to incite by posting past events that have no bearing on the present matters at hand with regard to NHICC.
Repeated questions and documents posted for his debate result in breaches of the rules of the forum.
While Brian is not a member of Nachi I feel it reflects badly on Nachi as a whole.
Thank you.
Post: Do you know of any…
Forum: Canadian Inspectors
Assigned Moderators: gbeaumont, fmagdefrau, fcarrio, lkage, mkyriacou, jmckenna1, rromoser, sgilligan1, iniquette, bjones5, jramos, wwilson3
Posted by: Brian A. MacNeish
Original Content:
I noticed that some of your earlier time-stamped posts yesterday turned up after my posts were on the boards- moderation must really p— you off!
So Nick has you on a very short leash…SMART MAN!!! Do you have to phone him and tell him “There’s a post ready. Please let it go through.” or is a paid employee wasting his time overseeing Wanda Raymond- threat to anyone around him?
Hope you’re paying him well enough to help him through Christmas, Nick.
PS…Another email from an HI came in very late last night…
"They are quite the pair (Ray & Roy). They go to one board until they wear out their welcome then flop over to another.
It was pitiful how they used to treat that girl from Washington state on there. She was another prize but they were calling her a whore and everything else and Nicky just let it go on. Sad really.
Seems you have quite the history, Raymond, when my mailbox get posts such as this!! Didn’t know much about the girl from Washinghton…care to fill me in?
(Bob Elliott, 450.0002662)
December 18, 2010, 2:33pm
Here we go:):):).
Thanks Nick.
(William DeVries, CPI)
December 18, 2010, 4:57pm
fyi, they were all banned from cannachi with this latest bull****
roy c, ray w, george l, brian m, marcell g, none of them have any good to say and whin and cry like babies, they fight argue and bash every association and person that questions them to the point they make up stories of drug addiction, murder. if there soap boxes were removed they could only post on wands site or geroges site, neither of which get any traffic and they will be forced to have a one sided fight.
in this case self masicasim could be a good thing.
(Christopher Currins, CMI)
December 18, 2010, 6:37pm
**Wand Raymond http://nachi.cachefly.net/forum/images/2006/statusicon/user_offline.gif **:twisted:
**Active Poster**
Join Date4/12/08
Raymond Wand Banned for life? Uhh?
(Michael Larson, WI Lic. # 1672-106)
December 18, 2010, 10:18pm
Why is NIck approving Raymond Wand’s posts?
He was permanently banned was he not?
(Larry Kage, CMI)
December 18, 2010, 11:04pm
Oh, but this poster’s name is Wand Raymond not Raymond Wand…that must be it. :roll::p:roll:
(Roy D. Cooke, Sr)
December 19, 2010, 4:55pm
Nick is still the boss and leader .
While we are asking questions can you tell me why there is a non NACHI member sitting on the ESOP and another who is no longer active in home Inspections .
Seem strange they are sitting on the NACHI ESOP making decesions for our association .
Thanks Roy Cooke
(Michael Larson, WI Lic. # 1672-106)
December 19, 2010, 7:52pm
Nick is still the boss and leader .
While we are asking questions can you tell me why there is a non NACHI member sitting on the ESOP and another who is no longer active in home Inspections .
Seem strange they are sitting on the NACHI ESOP making decesions for our association .
Thanks Roy Cooke
You were let back in by Nick with the deep reservations of many.
Raymond has no businesses here and is nothing but a pariah.
Nick is disrespecting the ESOP and the members of the organization by approving his posts.
Nick can speak fro himself as to his reasons.
(Roy D. Cooke, Sr)
December 19, 2010, 8:31pm
Sorry I think you missed my questions Thanks Roy
(Dale Duffy)
December 19, 2010, 8:35pm
Those LONG WINTERS are a B I T C H up north-----:lol:
(Dale Duffy)
December 19, 2010, 9:24pm
That is a fact Dale.
Every winter, same S H I T, different year----:shock:—:lol:
(Michael Larson, WI Lic. # 1672-106)
December 19, 2010, 9:25pm
Wake up Roy. You didn’t ask any questions here. :roll:
(Roy D. Cooke, Sr)
December 19, 2010, 9:38pm
Sorry here they are again
Thanks … Roy
While we are asking questions can you tell me why there is a
Non NACHI member sitting on the ESOP and another who is no longer active in home Inspections .
Seem strange they are sitting on the NACHI ESOP making decesions for our association .
(Doug Edwards)
December 19, 2010, 9:56pm
While we are asking questions…what the hell does the one thing have to do with the other? This simply a red herring.
(Roy D. Cooke, Sr)
December 19, 2010, 10:12pm
So you see nothing wrong with a non NACHI person sitting on the ESOP
Gee I think it is wrong .
(Doug Edwards)
December 19, 2010, 10:16pm
Roy, try to pay attention. I did not say there was nothing wrong with it. I said what the hell has that got to do with the other thing. That is what a red herring is…someone trying to lead others away from a topic they do not want to discuss by introducing another completely different subject. You guys are famous for this s h i t.
(Roy D. Cooke, Sr)
December 19, 2010, 10:36pm
Roy, try to pay attention. I did not say there was nothing wrong with it. I said what the hell has that got to do with the other thing. That is what a red herring is…someone trying to lead others away from a topic they do not want to discuss by introducing another completely different subject. You guys are famous for this s h i t.
Thanks Doug and you ignored the ESOP ,member saying
("You were let back in by Nick with the deep reservations of many.
Raymond has no businesses here and is nothing but a pariah.
Nick is disrespecting the ESOP and the members of the organization by approving his posts.
Nick can speak fro himself as to his reasons.")
This is a person who is supposed to be neutral and unbiased ,
Sure looks strange to me .