It is so unfortunate that NICK seems to be leaving us to do what we feel is correct .
It is to bad to see happen but I guess in the end we all will have to make decisions .
I do know ASHIA North OAHI/CAHPI is not for me .
I will continue to fight their Directors until they get it right on how to follow rules and treat the Canadian Home Inspectors correctly .
Roy Cooke Sr. RHI. CAHPI-ON.
You da masta of understatement.:shock:
As per usual NACHI and it’s Bulletin Board is great.
We can disagree and let are thoughts and complaints hang out for all to see .
If this was one of the Canadian Association Bulletin Boards the information is hidden to all except their members .
If the appointed Director dislikes your post they can and do remove them ( Not all it is their decision) ( this can not be disputed )
( even though they frequently show much favoritism ) ( if they do not like your post’s they can and do remove you from making posts).
Free speech is not allowed on these Bulletin Boards .
Just another one of their Intimidation attics and they do have many .
As can be seen we at NACHI do not always agree and some times get disappointed and voice our thoughts and openions .
I can not remember when NACHI has removed a post but or banned a person .
This unfortunately does happen with the Canadian North Branch of ASHI frequently.
These are the people who self appoint them selves and their friends and hope to have complet control of the Inspection industry In Canada.
This would be a big travesty and would end the ability for me or others to voice our openion on things we know are wrong or that we disagree with.
Long Live NACHI .
Remember Whistler
Roy Cooke sr RHI… …CAHPI-ON
Here we go again, and again. Exactly what is trademarked?
Kind of a rough statement isn’t it George. Why exactly do you feel that way?
NACHI in my opinion has not neglected or cast aside our Canadian Members. The canadian members need to get organized up there and fight this injustice together. It disappoints me to constantly read OAHI this CAHPI that. Not once have I read NACHI Canada is acccomplishing this or that. It seems that every time someone steps forward, they either quit because of lack of help or get forced out and everything that NACHI has assisted in getting done takes several steps backwards.
Consistency and perseverance is the answer. Get yourselves organized and begin the process of strengthening yourselves, your business’s, etc. and put an end to these blithering idiots calling themselves the only trademarked association in Canada.
It’s been almost a year since my last visit to Canada. At that meeting a group of individuals were pulled aside to plan and proceed with a program for NACHI Canada. But you know what we never heard a darn thing from them.
Larry Ewens has accepted the ardous duty of progressing NACHI Canada. Get him involved, voice your opinions, and get the ball rolling. He can’t do it himself though, everyone must put their differences aside and do what is best for your business and pitch in.
Collectively begin an advertising program. Collectively begin judgments against OAHI/CAHPI. From what I have read you have a great chance at suing for trade restriction and undue process or representation of a government entity (or whatever the verbage may be).
Good Luck all.
HAIL the CMI. Canadian Master Inspector.
By the way I believe that the term ASTTBC Certified Home Inspector is the trademark.
The trademark is invalid when the acronym ASTTBC is removed. The term Certified Home/House Inspector by itsself is not trademarked. Nor from what I understand can it ever be trademarked.
You have taken their explanation and issuance of a cease and disist “hook line and sinker”.
Take them to task and collectively take them to court… Sue their asses for Restriction of Trade and undue process. Sue them into oblivion.
And one other thing. If OAHI/CAHPI has sincerely bowed to this belief that the term CHI is indeed trademarked by ASTTBC, I would strongly suggest they get a different lawyer and quit relying on the whismical (is that a word) interpretations of directors or friends of the directors. CHI is not trademarked without the acronym ASTTBC preceeding it. Without the acronym it is a stand alone statement.
Sure are a lot of guests reviewing this thread. Three guests last time I looked:D
HI Dave, I see you. We still on for that beer?
HI John! Good to hear from you.
“Kind of a rough statement isn’t it George. Why exactly do you feel that way?”
Well John, Nick rode into town touting his connections in government, the media and the HI industry up here. He said that he would back us to the hilt if we were threatened in any way by the OAHI / CAPHI conspiracy. Members have shown him time and again that NACHI Canada is under attack and members are suffering because they are members of NACHI. He has been asked time and again for help, a note, a little leverage, a show of support and we have recieved nothing.
Turns out that wasn’t a horse Nick was riding it was a goat.
I know, I know, “If you want something done, then do it yourself.” Well John, disgruntled members could do it themselves and do it under another banner that does not carry the added burden of being an American Association. Now before you and all our other American friends launch a tirade about Anti-Americanism read my previous posts on the subject. I am as good a friend to the United States of America as ther is to found these days. That being said, the connection to “an American business” is being used against us by those who do have the government’s ear. Our desires and fears are being portrayed as simply those of the Nick ‘Dotto heads’. Plain and simple.
So there you have it in a nut shell. We recieve none of the promised help and endure an unfair burden ( real or imagined) What would you do John in similar circumstances?
I, and a great number of other members are happy to be NACHI inspectors, but it is becoming clear that if we want to have a voice in this unfair fight it may have to come from outside this organization.
Do whatever you believe to be best for Yourself, your Family and your Business.
In many situations, there are those that comply with demands and those that refuse to yield to threats.
I routinely follow the latter. That is where my personal level of comfortability lies…
Your mileage may vary…
Good post. To answer this -
Please contact Mr. Ewens for a complete update. I believe you will be pleasantly suprised. If not let me know via email.
John at this time there are
Reload this Page]( 25 members and 40 guests
Most users ever online was 323, 5/6/06 at 9:30 PM. And yes Dave Bottoms is one of them right now.
On 2006-04-10 at 3;25 Am there where 3 members and 33 guests so yes at different times there are many looking.
This is Friday night not a Good time for Canadians to be on the NACHI BB but it still has a lot of people getting information .
This is great as they at least can see how we operate in the open .
I still believe NACHI is the best thing by fare for the inspection Industry and will continue to get better as the other stagnate.
Your Northern Buddy .
Roy Cooke Sr …RHI… CAHPI-ON
A pleasant surprise!
Please make it new car!
Clearly you have unrealistic expectations…
Well thanks for bursting that balloon!
**SO Larry what is the complete update? **
( and Joe, I didn’t mean to imply that you are a balloon!):mrgreen:
Go to and make your application. It’s the future.
ASTTBC is the association that certifies technologists for BC.
Go to]( for all the information about them. They are not connected to OAHI or CAPHI in any way. It seems to me that the OAHI are trying to get others to do their own dirty work.
Here in Alberta ASET the sister organization of ASTTBC has chosen not to certify HI’s specifically. Instead ASET has chosen to rely on the COE that says not to engage in work that you are not competent to do. The original model was APEGGA’s
(Alberta Association of Professional Engineers Geologists and Geophysicists of Alberta) COE. APEGGA was the father of ASET as ASTTBC was the child of the BC engineers. ASET has been in existence for over forty years and has over 17,000 certified technicians and technologists in Alberta and the North West Territories. BC has a similar history. If ASTTBC has registered CHI then Ray you should respect that. Your fight with OAHI is between you and them, not with ASTTBC.
That sure is strange I just had a realtor hand me a card from the Midland area of a P2P inspector. Right on the Card is CHI! As far as I know P2P relinquished the right to use CHI when PACHI (Provincial Assoc. Cert. Home Inspectors) merged with OAHI.
Now OAHI is continuing to allow many OAHI members to use CHI, and or the problem is so big OAHI is tackling it piecemeal, sending out warnings as time permits. CHI is a blight on OAHI, and depending on your connections within OAHI the BOD and the DPPC and the BOE permit special standing. Obviously I don’t have special standing or pull, or rank to continue to use CHI.
Instead of taking a stand, the stand has been; use CMI. Well I am not going to use either.
For the record CHI is a Federal Government sanctioned use, it has more weight then a regular Trademark. Someone in NACHI in my opinion did not do their homework.