Not true! OAHI is not enforcing the designation RHI, they don’t have the funds or interest in doing so. The last time someone misused the RHI OAHI did not do anything until the form DPPC Chair laid a private complaint. Only then did OAHI do act, and took the ex member to court, wherein a $1500 fine was imposed. The fine imposed went to the crown, not to OAHI.
Supposedly I am in contravention of misusing RHI, well I can tell you I have not been prosecuted and most certainly will not be.
Very strange indeed considering any marketing guru will tell you to use the word professional. I guess these two inspectors are telling people that they are not themselves professional?
Very Interesting what Alrek Meipoom says about the RHI ,
"As a registered home inspector, Meipoom has the highest level of accreditation. He has been in the field 14 years and from 2004 to 2006 served as president of the Ontario Association of Home Inspectors, the body that maintains standards for members. A list of qualified inspectors can be found at the association’s website ( "
The past President of OAHI thinks like many others do that the
CAHPI National Certification is not as good as other qualifications.
Roy Cooke… R.H.I. ( Roys Home Inspection )
Yes the same President that could not ensure his own BOD played by the rules as laid down in the by-laws.
Obviously a figment of his imagination! Highest level of accreditation my a s s.
Wasn’t he in charge during the time the BOExaminers cheated, lied and misused their authority Roy?
So much for “professionalism.”
Ahh Raymond, And here I thought you were going to go after the Orangeville Banner with their article this past week. That’s ok. They reprint the same artically regularly. Maybe next time
What did the Orangevill Banner have to say? I no longer get it.
Can you enlighten me and the others. Seems the newspapers like to believe all they are told without investigating.
Seems one association likes to preen itself much to often and likes to keep the dirt under the corporate rug.