I inspected a new condo the other day and found the unit was equipped with a sprinkler system. I then found one of the sprinkler heads on the outside of the unit. It was on the rear side of the structure under the upper units deck.
I did some research and found that these exterior need parts of the system need to be winterized. Here is what I put in my report.
An exterior fire suppression sprinkler head is installed at the exterior rear side of the structure. Exterior sprinkler heads require to be winterized to prevent freezing resulting in possible damage to the sprinkler head & related plumbing. Contact the Condo Association to determine who is responsible for winterizing this system.
Kevin, those are called Dry Sidewall heads, they are usually longer than the wall system thickness and have no water in them if it is a wet system.
The water stops at the interior until activated.
Thanks Marcel. A frost proof type sprinkler head. Makes sense. I got my information from a local plumber that told me he was familiar with these systems.
Hurricanes? Worry about them? What profession are you in? Those are HUGE money makers for inspectors, especially ones with thermal infrared cameras :). When the insurance adjuster shows up, my clients just hand them my report. Do you think adjusters go in every attic? Once they are there and gone, its a pain to get them back to re-evaluate the problems they missed.
I do not wish for them, but when God hands you problems…turn them into rewards!
Well Russell, I guess I would not be one to be comfortable making profits off the misfortunes of others in cases like that, nor would I want to be one of the storms victim.
I’ll keep shoveling the snow like I did this morning. :mrgreen:
Look, I see your point, but without people like us (home inspectors) insurance agents miss a ton of things! So do you see people who plow snow off driveways as someone making money off peoples misfortune? Do you do thermal infrared inspections on a house that has had water intrusion? Isn’t that making money off peoples misfortune? Guess its how you look at it. When your doing it, its smart. When someone else does it, its evil and wrong.