I was not at the conference but had a friend there. He told me that during the conference Resnet is working with John Snell to come up with infrared standards concerning Resnet energy audits. This will include approved infrared cameras for Resnet, and potentiall HERS, energy audits. If John chimes in I am sure he will have much more information on this, as my information is second hand. From what I was told the approved list will be based on certain camera abilities and displays. This is a complete guess on my part, but I would venture to say it would encompass thermal sensitivity and resolution, at minimum.
The second bit of information he gave me I was a little unclear as to who is coming up with this standard, but I believe it is Energy Star. And John may be part of this as well. But they discussed a way to use infrared for the thermal bypass checklist post construction. That is a current standard for an energy star home pre (during) construction. He told me they were having issues with figuring out how to use infrared in certain areas. For example behind bathtubs and the cavity behind a chimney.
I know many of you are interested in getting in to energy auditing, so figured I would share what I heard.
When conducting a residential infrared scan, running a blower door test reveals thermal anomalies not usually seen under natural pressure variances. Operating a blower door allows the thermographer to more thoroughly diagnose energy related problems within a building system. This presentation covers the logistics of operating a blower door while conducting an infrared scan, the conditions needed and limitations of the technology.
How Can I Register?
Go to the **Infrared Webinar Schedule **page to register for all live and recorded sessions. Payment may be made by credit card only - we accept Visa, Mastercard, and American Express. Please note all prices listed are per person/per session. For groups of two or more, please contact The Snell Group](http://www.thesnellgroup.com/ContactUs.aspx) directly to receive a quote on licensing a session.
The Snell Group is in VT. Maybe they’ll have some training coming up. I posted this in response to Jason’s comment on John Snell coming up with IR protocol in regard to energy audits.