I can’t make sense of this. This is a new construction with concrete blobs and 2x4 cross braces (roll blocks?) on the intermediate steel girder beams. Is this normal!? Sloppy no doubt, but why? Horton/Meledy Homes.
Probably specified on the plans due to the way or lack of I-joist attachement to the beam.
Where are you located and do you have more pics that show how the joists are secured to the beam?
We do it on Beam design to inhibit overturning of the beam, many of which are taller than their width. This means slight alignment issues or unbalanced loads can cause it to overturn. It also serves temporary bracing during construction. The plans will specify, just add that you cannot assess adequacy without plans.
Heres an example from Simpson Strongtie:
I agree with Michael, likely a torsional issue. But looks more like an afterthought than an original design detail.
I’d also be curious to know why the floor joists were painted. Moisture issues?
My take on this is that a Roll Block is to prevent rotation.
Typically the steel H beam is fastened into concrete with steel braces screwed into the concrete to prevent rotation, Beam Rolling.
The application, the lumber braced on an angle against the steel beam and upper decking, along with the concrete, look armature even if it is temporary, which I suspect it is.
Advise, further evaluation by a licensed structural engineer.
It’s a flame retardant. It’s not unusual to see it in mechanical rooms but this is the first time I saw the entire basement treated with it.