Eric, you can keep quoting the same verbiage over and over. It doesn’t mean what you claim it means. An errant nail does not automatically mean the sheathing isn’t nailed down. It doesn’t mean the sheathing wasn’t re-nailed. The local building officials (C-FL) don’t consider a shiner to automatically fail the sheathing inspection. I’m sure yours does.
And for the record, I never stated that any of these issues are compliant or not compliant on any form I filled out.
Then what does the above mean? It certainly doesn’t mean place nails anywhere you want.
Furthermore, not only does the code require that the decking be nailed to something, preferably the truss, but so does the apa guidelines for roof deck nailing.
Can someone show me in writing where it is acceptable practice to nail decking to thin air? :mrgreen:
Thank you to all. My colleague and I agreed that we would give them the C credit for RDA. No way to know if it wasn’t re-nailed, and this was not plagued by tons of misses. Just in a couple of spots. Thnx again.
No, as in the report I posted previously, when you miss virtually every nail, the deck isn’t re-nailed…as my client was fortunate enough to call me, he eventually got a new, properly installed, code compliant roof…as have several others…
Still waiting: Can someone show me in writing where it is acceptable practice to nail decking to thin air? :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Not taking sides but one other thing to consider. The roof decking was already nailed once (with either nails or staples). Unless they completely miss the trusses on nearly the entire sheet of decking, it is now much stronger than it was. In fact, even if they only renailed it 12 inches on center, it is probably equivalent of a new sheet of decking nailed 6 inches on center with the 8 d nails.
Would I give the credit if I found it nailed 12 inches OC, no but it would probably in reality be as strong as it needed to be.
Robert thanks for bringing up the point that the roof has been renailed. I want to give the best insurance discounts that I can for my clients. Is there any chart that combines the psf’s for the combination of original roof deck attachment and reroof nailing pattern or am I barking up the wrong roof deck?:shock: