But once again if it’s a 6d nail and you can’t prove otherwise then you have nothing else to look for. Keep in mind we are here to help but not to put yourself at risk, stay within the guidelines and your client will thanks you later on.
It’s not uncommon to find re-roofs done prior to 2005 that have been renailed with 6d or even 7d nails. Don’t over think it. It sucks to not be able to give a “deserved” discount. If it doesn’t have 8d nails, you must mark (A).
I think Jay’s point is that 6D nails were found spaced at 6" in the field. It is unusual to find 6D nails at this field spacing and may be an indicator of re-nailing. Further or closer investigation to determine if a second nails size exists may be warranted or advised.
This is a bit of a sticky situation in that the manufactures of pneumatic or mechanically fastened nails exploited what had always been the traditional sizing for nails.
Back in the day nails were sold by penny weight I.E. the weight of a nail weighed per 100 nails to determine the size ie 6 penny, 8 penny etc. Too compete with the less expensive hand driven nails the mechanically driven manufactures added the weight of their nail bundling weather it be plastic as with a stick nail, or wire with a coil nail into the weight of 100 nails to quantify the classification.
The issue was addressed in the FBC 2001 with exacting specifications as too size of shank, length, and the size of the nail head, but only the savoy building inspectors, designers, and contractors picked up on this change.
The reality of the matter was the contractor ordered 8 penny nails the box said 8 penny nails but in reality they did not meet the sizing requirements and it was not until the 2004 Building Code went into affect in October of 2006 that the building designers, contractors, and manufactures were all on the same page.
I’m not sure the designers still trust the system in that they generally require a 10d nail to error on the side of caution.
So likely if the roof is nailed at 6x6 the contractor probably thought he had done the correct job; after all the box of nail that he bought were labeled as 8 penny
I am aware of that situation involving nail gun nails, but those nails at least the ones i run across, are a little longer than a traditional 6d mail and shorter than a 8d mail. By further investigation I mean one needs to look at the the house was built and when and if a re-roof was performed. If it was re-roofed prior to October 2007 then the decking was not likely re-nailed and it’s a pretty safe bet to go with 6d nails. However, if it was re-roofed after October 2007 then it should have been re-nailed with a specific type of nail very different from the 6d common variety and additional inspection. may be warranted
Do you or have you used 7d nails to nail the sheathing? I personally have never seen a 7d nail used. Although they did make 8d gun nails that kwere 2 3/8" a few years ago.
Lol. My actual question is has anyone seen them used on the construction of a home or has a contractor used them for nailing sheathing. I have not and they are an odd size that are not very common. I actually have boxes of coil gjn nails from a few years bacck that are 8d and only 2 3/8".