Roof Framing Question

Looks like the framers left their bracing in place instead of removing it. No noticeable sag in the roof, most of the braces aren’t under load. House is 15 years old in the Detroit Metro area so moderate snow load. Just want a double check that I am not missing something.

Ryan Hornung
Veritas Home
Serving all of Metro Detroit




Just report as probable temps.
Easy huh ?

I prefer “Appears to be” since we all love that word here. :slight_smile:

Certainly plan on using the “appears to be” phrasing, but since this inspection is for a couple that I know and who are more recent immigrants from China I want to make sure there aren’t any issues I’m not seeing right off.

Those boards are always left behind like that all over the place.
Appears just CYA in case.Never know for sure if you are asking right?:slight_smile:

Those braces are OK and each is specific. It looks kinda complicated because of changing conditions.

This is going to take me a few minutes so bear with me. It’s like this…

Anywere you see braces supporting a strongback that cuts the span of the rafters, that’s part of the purlin system. Those purlin braces must not rest on ceiling joists. It looks like they don’t, so that’s cool. In the middle picture you can see purlin braces installed on the left side. They’re not really installed correctly, but they’re better than nothing. Checkout the InterNACHI Mastering Roof Inspection series if you want to see how purlin bracing systems should be properly installed.
Also in the middle picture you’ll see two long braces. The one on the right appears to be supporting a hip rafter, but you can’t really tell for sure… also can’t tell what the long brace on the left is supporting, although you can see in photo 1 that there’s a long brace supporting a hip rafter.

Basically, in a purlin system the brace should rest on a bearing wall at the bottom and be nailed to a rafter at the top. The strongback should be forced up against the bottoms of the rafters and then nailed to the braces. Lastly, a block should be nailed to the brace after being pushed up tight against the bottom of the strongback.

Really it’s compicated to explain and the illustrations in the InterNACHi Mastering Roof Inspection Series make it pretty simple. Google it.

So what did you say this was supporting Kenton? :slight_smile:
Roof framing.jpg

HA -YUK! It’s not a good framing job, as you point out Bob. There are a number of errors, bad braces and that thing you point out, whatever it is!

let’s see, that would be the diagonal, uh, supporting, uh, what’s your theory?

Ha ha Got ya.
That’s why I figured least thats what I saw,but you are the man for framing so no argument here.

It’s supporting the framer’s BS excuse for asking for more money!
