Is there a steadfast rule about the amount of coverage required on the flange? I know the bottom should be showing and entire sides not but in this particular case, it seems another row of shingles could’ve been installed over top the sides. Am I being overly critical?
No plumber is going to figure out the math of where the stack should go out the roof to match the nail strip of the shingles. No roofer is going to adjust the shingle nail strip because of the stack.
Sorry but I don’t follow your response. I never suggested a plumber predicting shingle layout and a roofer absolutely gets to decide whether to put a course over the sides of the boot or under them. They are after all the people installing the boot and the shingles…
Instructions for the flashing I have found do not mention a specific coverage of the sides, hence my question. But it also doesn’t mention running shingles over top the sides at all. Have I misunderstood that if the sides are fully exposed it is installed incorrectly?
They should have incorporated the lower course of shingles and just left the bottom exposed on top of the shingles. I’ve seen a lot worse. Any signs of moisture intrusion at the attic sheathing? Just recommend to keep side caulking maintained or have properly replaced/installed as a best practice.
No. I’d note it, but wouldn’t be “overly critical” about it. See my other reply.
The one shown in your picture is installed almost identical to the one shown on the Oatey installation instructions.
More interesting to me is that they do not nail the bottom of the flashing. Seems like that is always the bigger argument with inspectors.
Thanks. No signs of leak in attic at this point but the home is only 11 months old. I am already noting the shingle joint with sealant directly above the boot so the builder may be going up there anyways. Just wasn’t sure if there was something to actually fix or just a good/better/best scenario for the side coverage.
As a plumber I always go under two courses of shingles. That flashing should have gone under one more layer of shingles. That would have left a flashing reveal of about 1”-2” which would have been perfect. The caulking material is BS.
Stacks are usually up before shingles in a fast moving project.
I think caulk/sealant on a brand new roof is a sign the roofer really cared and took pride in their work …
Nothing but the best
IMO, the (RED highlighted) is CRAP workmanship and WILL leak over time. The green is acceptable but may need resealing after a few years.
If installed properly caulk/ sealant is not necessary. Chew on that grasshopper.
I agree with Scott…
That’s right Scott and if installed correctly exposed nails aren’t required on the bottom on the flashing.
That was my whole point. Its not too often that they line up perfect.
The picture is an example of incorrectly done flashing. There is no hard fast rule.Only the bottom should show and that should be as little as possible. Hope that answers your question.
In a perfect world the shingles overlapping the boot flange should be lower than the hole that was cut in the roof. On a steep pitch gravity does most of the work. On a lower pitch water is more likely to be sucked sideways by capillary action especially as the shingles age. There is no end to the things you can comment on in a home inspection. If it’s performing as intended…the perceived benefit of having it fixed will be lost on most people…
The client should be aware that something is poorly or incorrectly installed so at the very least they could pay more attention to it. If you emit this from your report, they can and will, eventually, blame you for not telling them. It’s not HI’s job to decide what buyer is going to do with the defective installation of a system or a component. The client is paying HI to report any and all defects that are more than merely cosmetic and fall under the SOP (roof is one of these systems!). A house that is still standing but is about to collapse at any moment could be argued, in the same fashion, that its components are still performing their function because that house hasn’t collapsed YET.
For starters, the very top shingle must be a single, whole, piece. They did not do that and thus smeared caulking in the butt joint (no pun intended).
On a low pitch roof, You can also extend the roof boot flange by using rubber flashing under the shingles.