How would you write this up? 2"-4" gap between sheathing at ridge of the roof. Thanks for input.
Is there a ridge vent on this roof?
Looking at the photo as an example, I wouldn’t write anything.
No, there is not a ridge vent.
Andrew, all they appear to have done is prepare for a ridge vent.
There is no problem in the photo that I see. …except that the ventilation may be inadequate.
Thanks for the replies!
I agree with the other posts, no problem at all…unless there is no attic ventilation and this was left out with the expectations of a ridge vent being installed.
Curious…what kind of ventilation for the attic is in place on this house?
This house had gable end vents, continous soffit venting, and low profile passive roof vents. Appeared to be adequately ventilated.
I know some guys are into gadgets, and seeing how there was a recent fall of a member, perhaps you’d like to look at:
My brother and I operated a roofing business for a spell, and these things are almost anti-gravity.
I will risk upsetting you with the following post with hopes that it helps to educate…
‘Appeared to be adequately vented’ is not good enough, several holes in the roof and in the gable ends are not good enough.
What you describe to me is a system I would change if I come across it while working on a home…I suspect there is a short circuit of the ventilation system for the attic space. (A short circuit in the ventilation system is where air enters and exhausts without actually exchanging attic air in the process, in essence dead air in the attic space…no ventilation effect just wind)
Soffit vents (intake at the lowest point, good), passive vents near the peak(exhaust at the highest point, good…passive vents, not good, can be bidirectional), gable end vents (good when used in conjunction with proper exhaust…bad when not used properly and/or not sized properly) It takes 15 passive vents to equal 42 lineal ft of ridge vent.
I hope I do not come off too strong but rather would like to make the point that ventilation is a matter of doing the math to determine what the system requirements for the given attic space are and then finding the correct intake and exhaust solutions for the home…ventilation function is not a matter of appearance, we as HI’s need to understand this, we need to be able to recognise when a system is not right so a pro can be brought in.
My concern is for us the HI’s, what happens if mold & mildew develop in the attic, ice dams start to form, the roofing material goes bad inside it’s expected life span…who gets called about it? Not the builder they seem to be teflon coated, never the subs because they just did what they were told…I suspect that it could however come back on us because we were supposed to notice these things.
I hope this helps in some way…
I would call this out in my report. At a minimum this is poor workmanship. If you have a gap that is 2" to 4" wide at the ridge then sooner or later you will have a penetration through the shingles and the underlayment resulting in moisture in the attic.
If this building is newer construction, I would report this opening as “Ridge vent is sealed, and recommend proper installation of ridge vent”.
Gable end vents just are not adequate enough with today’s insulation standards. Newer Homes are insulated tight and need ridge vents.
Thanks everyone, I also feel that something should be reported on this. I dont think it was meant for a ridge vent, because it is inconsistent. Some areas are 2", some 4" and others no gap at all. Definately poor workmanship in my own mind. Any further comments are welcome.