Rudy is Having a Bad Day

What happened to this guy? I’ll preface this by saying I was a big fan of him. I worked in New York City during the 80’s before Giuliani, during his terms as mayor, and after he left office. He did make a huge impact on the quality of life in NY. The 80’s were horrible there and he was able to clean it up.

Here was a guy who respected the law and used it to put many criminals behind bars during his time as a prosecutor.

So what happened to him?

I guess that his hair dye ate into his brain.

It is nice to see that he will now be punished for his crimes. The moving vans are getting ready to clean out his NYC apartment. It’s likely that next will be his condo in Florida. Maybe Trump will take him in when he’s homeless.


The article says what happened. It’s how the left corrupts the law to persecute people who don’t carry their water.

I thought you abhored political posts.


He has been persecuted by the left for his speech. Sad times in America.

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That AI photoshop is almost convincing :rofl:

You’re right Fox news is known for their fake news stories with fake photos.



Not to worry, “their wives and their wives lovers are voting Trump”. :wink: :dart: :rofl:

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Rudy’s not the only Trumper that’s having a bad day.


Political persecution is widespread right now.

Rudy was hardly persecuted, there are countless videos of him defaming those two women and he was found guilty by a jury of his peers. Do the crime pay the price.


Who knows Rudy may be one of the Antichrist’s antiheros. :tada:

If the Penguin gets back into power next Tuesday he may pardon Rudy and restore him to perfect wealth :rainbow: :moneybag: or not. :money_with_wings:.

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:thinking: :man_shrugging:

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”Watching my dad’s life crumble since he joined forces with Trump has been extraordinarily painful, both on a personal level and because his demise feels linked to a dark force that threatens to once again consume America.
Caroline Giuliani



Yep. Stop and Frisk. Unconstitutional. Fear tactics. Bi-partisan profiling of people of color that lasted two decades. It’s amazing what the law can do when abused, eh?

And they bltch, cry and moan about X LOL

Giuliani was the mastermind of the Broken Windows Initiative that solved many of the crime problems by addressing crime at the lowest levels. Among other things he was known for famously getting rid of the squeegee guys who ambushed people at red lights which at times led to property damage to peoples cars and assaults. Although stopping and frisking people on the street was used at times for low level crimes that was the signature policy of mayor Michael Bloomberg not Giuliani.

For the record I’m not an advocate for violating people’s constitutional rights. Having witnessed it first hand Giuliani’s plan worked. In hindsight they should have kept the framework and operated within the boundaries of the law. If you go there today the street punks and squeegee guys are back aided by the current administration and the revolving door policy of their court system.

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Okay. Be careful; you will end up defending this guy. White people generally loved the results of his policies.

In New York City, stop and frisk gained momentum under Rudy Giuliani, who served as mayor of New York City from 1994 to 2001. Giuliani adopted a “zero-tolerance” policy for low-level offenses, in hopes of detaining individuals who had committed more serious crimes. The policy was carried out by a unit within the NYPD called the Street Crimes Unit (SCU), “squads of elite undercover officers that were sent into high-crime sections of the city.” According to the U.S. Commission for Civil Rights, the SCU filed “27,061 stop and frisk reports” in 1998, which was “the greatest number generated by any NYPD unit.” In April 1999, the subjects of all stop and frisk reports registered by the SCU were “64.5 percent black, 20.7 percent Hispanic, 6.3 percent white, and .5 percent Asian.”

Nearly a 3-fold increase under Giuliani

The number of UF-250 forms completed by NYPD officers has increased significantly over the past 10 years.[62] According to information received from the department, the number of UF-250s filed by officers increased from 42,805 in 1989 to 114,825 for 1998.[63]

Which peaked under Bloomberg.

My point being, this is far from the most significant offense perpetrated by these people. Imagine the lives ruined due to these policies.

In the end, they get it right some but when they get it wrong, it is devastating. If Rudi spearheaded this fake electors scheme, I expect him to pay the price. I only wish the investigations into election fraud were not so bi-partisan.

I’m not defending him I’m just wondering what made him cross the Rubicon over to crazy town. It’s pretty bad when your own child says that you’re lost.

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