I found this today and i can’t decide if its a p trap or s trap. what are the opinions and why? Thanks
Whatever it is, the trap seal depth appears to be exceeded.
I’m going with “S”. After the “u” portion, there should be a bit wider space before it goes into the down part “u” portion to prevent syphoning. Typically the flatter part should be wider then the “u” shape…
It’s not S or P, it’s just wrong…
What is wrong about it?
The trap seal appears to be beyond the 2-4", although I am looking at the pic from a phone without a tape measure whilst twisting my neck in various contortions to get a better look…
I agree…
Trap is too deep and trap arm is too short. Just wrong
indeed !
1005.0 Trap Seals Each fixture trap shall have a water seal of not less than 2 inches and not more than 4 inches, except where a deeper seal is found necessary by the Authority Having Jurisdiction. Traps shall be set true with respect to their water seals and, where necessary, they shall be protected from freezing
Also the weir is too close to the vent as 2 times diameter is the minimum.