The top arm of this trap is about 4" horizontal. Feeds into a vertical drain. The horizontal run is short because they put the drain (and supply lines) in the center of the cabinet instead of at the back. When does an S-trap become a P? What does the length of horizontal pipe need to be?
DING DING DING… Your rignt again Jeff. I alway look for the posability of a trap under the floor, because i missed one once and it came back on me when they called the plumber to install a trap and he found it in the basement between the joists. luckily i knew him and he didn’t charge.
The trap arm appears to run to a sanitary t----is there an air admittance valve above the sani-t? If so then the trap arm length would be the biggest issue and it would be a P-trap. Minimum trap arm length is supporsed to be 2xPipe diameter.
There is an air admittance valve above the sani-t. Please clarify how that makes this OK (I think that is what you are saying). Can you cite the code please for my reference?
Most jurisdictions now allow air admittance valves. If the pipe and vent were buried in the wall how would it be any different than this set up with the valve (except for the short trap arm)?
I agree with Charles that the trap arm length looks a little too short … must be at least 2 x Pipe Dia from the trap wier (bottom of elbow going back) to the vent/stack (even if the vent is an AAV).
UPC says minimum 2 x diameter, IRC says minimumc 8"…but that is in a section referring to traps with a vertical leg, (P3105.3) and I’m not sure if it really applies to all trap arms.
Joe…the AAV prevents siphoning the same as if that upper vertical section extended all the way through the roof. It just doesn’t vent the gases back into the cabinet.
To my eye it looks like we have that 2 times…albeit barely. I’d say that according to the UPC there is nothing wrong with the set-up. The IRC **may **require a longer trap arm, but I wouldn’t get very excited about it.
I’m going by the 2000 version (yes, I know I need to update), but the only place I find the trap arm length mentioned is in the P3105.3 Vertical leg for waste fixture drains section. That’s where it says 8". I can’t believe you are supposed to read that section to determine trap arm length for normally trapped fixtures. Am I missing something?