Secret ASHI documents mentioning NACHI.

Originally Posted By: Nick Gromicko
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“Stupid” was your word… not mine.

Anyway, I understand that ASHI's diploma mill entrance requirements are increasing from current 2 requirements long:

1. Send ASHI a copy of your drivers license.
2. Send ASHI money.

to 3 requirements long:

1. Send ASHI money.
2. Send ASHI a copy of your drivers license.
3. Send ASHI money.


Nick Gromicko

I much prefer email to private messages.

Originally Posted By: cmccann
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I edited my post. I would read it.


Originally Posted By: Nick Gromicko
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of unqualified, come only with cash candidates into our markets by the thousands, and then encouraging them to cut their prices so that the can perform enough unqualified inspections for poor unsuspecting consumers as the only way to achieve full membership is nothing I should be laughing at.

Apologies to the candidates who could have been alerted to just how difficult this profession is if only ASHI had some entrance requirements to dissuade them.

Apologies to the existing profession who have their markets ruined with ASHI's dumping

Apologies to consumers for being unable to stop ASHI's "go out and perform unqualified inspections if you wanna be a full member" candidacy diploma mill.

Apologies to inspectors everywhere for not killing all who bear the diploma mill operator's ASHI logo of shame.

I apologize.

ASHI isn't funny. ASHI is disgusting. And I totally understand the good inspectors in ASHI who tried to distance themselves with a professional designation of some sort, even if they used one of NACHI's. They could have just joined NACHI and saved ASHI a lot of grief.

Nick Gromicko

I much prefer email to private messages.

Originally Posted By: Nick Gromicko
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Chuck, she can read, you apparently can’t (at least not without her help on those big words).


Nick Gromicko

I much prefer email to private messages.

Originally Posted By: Nick Gromicko
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One goes to and half way through says to himself "Gee wiz, der be more to dis bidness den I first thought!" and goes away.

and the other one one goes to... , sends in $, and says "Shazam! I is a home inspector!" And then is told by ASHI that if he wants full membership he has to cut his prices so he can do more unqualified inspections for poor unsuspecting consumers.

Look at the BIG picture. Front-ending membership requirements ahead of the application is the RIGHT thing to do... for the profession, for the consumer and for the wannabee (who deserves, and has a family that deserves, to be alerted to the fact that he has no business in this business).

We as an industry will have a tough time getting our average price/inspection up to where it should be (about $750+, considering all a home inspector has to know and all the liability he/she assumes) unless we stop supporting the associations that operate these diploma mills. If we get our pricing up to $750 (I can hear our attorneys screaming to me about price fixing already ![icon_rolleyes.gif](upload://iqxt7ABYC2TEBomNkCmZARIrQr6.gif) ) we wouldn't need to do but one inspection a day, and we can take our good old time at it to the consumer's benefit.

This is probably the main reason these ASHI fellas were trying to start a separate professional designation... so they could charge more for it. Heck... I agree with anything they do to try to get our prices up. If NACHI ever adopts a Certified Master Inspector designation and the CMI's start getting $1,000 an inspection, I'll cheer them on. Anyone who has ever been to one of my talks knows I'm all about raising prices. Let the veterans at NACHI lift all inspectors up.

Unfortunately our profession's pricing will remain depressed so long as there are diploma mills out there like ASHI's candidacy program and those who financially support it. The ASHI logo means = I financially support a do-nothing association that hurts my fellow citizens, hurts my fellow inspectors, hurts men and women considering the profession, hurts consumers, hurts you and hurts me.

Nick Gromicko

I much prefer email to private messages.

Originally Posted By: sbyrnes
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So when does the NACHI brochure go out that says "Don't be fooled by the short listers!"?

Your case as to why ASHI is not worth the trouble, and the diploma mill, is interesting and I'm sure you can back up anything you say with proof, but what good is it doing the NACHI inspectors that are having their business directly effected by these brochures?

Those brochures are out there, and Realtors are reading it as, "Gee, maybe I should only hand this brochure to my client instead of from these other inspectors who aren't on this list."

They'll never see the letters you posted here. They'll never read these postings contradicting these brochures. They'll see what's on their desks and go from there.

Now the "short list" is getting all the inspections regardless of whether it is right or wrong.

Where's the NACHI brochure?

All Corners Home Inspections, Inc
Serving Pasco, Hernando, N. Pinellas & N. Hillsborough counties

Originally Posted By: jburkeson
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jschwartz1 wrote:

You belong to Suncoast ASHI. Your thoughts on the CPI and how it would effect you personally if adopted?

Glad you asked, maybe we can get back on topic too. In reality I doubt that it would personally hurt me too much because it was presented in such a half-a$% manner.

Here is the deal, eight guys got together and announced to the world that they were better then the 200+ home inspectors working in the Tampa Bay market and 46 of their fellow peers. The problem with that statement beside it being untrue, is that it had no endorsement from anyone other then themselves. They had no sanction from ASHI national or the local chapter, furthermore, the metric used to determine their superiority fell far short of actually producing premium results.

For instance, while it is true that they all had extended training, experience (# of inspections) and yearly CEU's there was no similarity when it came to reporting. Some members used sophisticated computer generated reports and others used hand written check-list reports. Furthermore a few were multi-inspector firms who used inspectors of varying experience and skill sets, there was no guarantee that by calling that firm through the "Short-List" brochure your inspection would be performed by the inspector who earned the CPI designation.

While all of this is important to know, the real fly in the ointment for this marketing SNAFU was promoting so-called superiority without attaching a corresponding premium price. The notion portrayed was that you could obtain a vastly superior inspection for the same price you would pay from any other ASHI member. The public just ain't that gullible and is keenly aware that if something is markedly better then something else, it plain & simple costs more. Without marketing an increased price for supposed vastly superior performance, their efforts mostly fell on deaf ears. If you couple that fact with the idea that most Realtors are really not seeking truly great inspectors you can begin to imagine how small of an audience they actually reached.

All in all this fiasco did nothing but to create a problem within the chapter that will be a detriment long after any benefit has been exhausted and will stand as an example of how not to govern a society of agreed equals.

So, where is your buddy from Mole Hill been hiding, fall Missouri cattle drive? Circus in town, Home & Gardens doing a definitive expose' on single-wides and their occupants?

Joseph Burkeson, RPI (Hooperette)

?Anyone who has proclaimed violence his method inexorably must choose lying as his principle.?
~ Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

Originally Posted By: jschwartz1
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jburkeson wrote:
jschwartz1 wrote:

You belong to Suncoast ASHI. Your thoughts on the CPI and how it would effect you personally if adopted?

Glad you asked, maybe we can get back on topic too. In reality I doubt that it would personally hurt me too much because it was presented in such a half-<b>a$%</b> manner.

Here is the deal, eight guys got together and announced to the world that they were better then the 200+ home inspectors working in the Tampa Bay market and 46 of their fellow peers. The problem with that statement beside it being untrue, is that it had no endorsement from anyone other then themselves. They had no sanction from ASHI national or the local chapter, furthermore, the metric used to determine their superiority fell far short of actually producing premium results.

For instance, while it is true that they all had extended training, experience (# of inspections) and yearly CEU's there was no similarity when it came to reporting. Some members used sophisticated computer generated reports and others used hand written check-list reports. Furthermore a few were multi-inspector firms who used inspectors of varying experience and skill sets, there was no guarantee that by calling that firm through the "Short-List" brochure your inspection would be performed by the inspector who earned the CPI designation.

While all of this is important to know, the real fly in the ointment for this marketing SNAFU was promoting so-called superiority without attaching a corresponding premium price. The notion portrayed was that you could obtain a vastly superior inspection for the same price you would pay from any other ASHI member. The public just ain't that gullible and is keenly aware that if something is markedly better then something else, it plain & simple costs more. Without marketing an increased price for supposed vastly superior performance, their efforts mostly fell on deaf ears. If you couple that fact with the idea that most Realtors are really not seeking truly great inspectors you can begin to imagine how small of an audience they actually reached.

All in all this fiasco did nothing but to create a problem within the chapter that will be a detriment long after any benefit has been exhausted and will stand as an example of how not to govern a society of agreed equals.

So, where is your buddy from Mole Hill been hiding, fall Missouri cattle drive? Circus in town, Home & Gardens doing a definitive expose' on single-wides?

Good info.

Jay Schwartz
Coast To Coast Home Services, Inc
Southeast Florida NACHI Chapter - VP
NACHI - Legislative Committee Member
MAB - Member

Originally Posted By: jburkeson
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gromicko wrote:
Study the entrance requirements carefully...



I believe the day our test is no longer open book and is fully proctored, will be the day that the fundamental difference between each organizations entry requirements will be worth crowing about.

Until then, I will wait along with many NACHI members who have come to recognize that we have much room for improvement and little cause for boasting.

Joseph Burkeson, RPI (Hooperette)

?Anyone who has proclaimed violence his method inexorably must choose lying as his principle.?
~ Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

Originally Posted By: Nick Gromicko
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If anything I'd like to work on taking NACHI members even higher with

ASHI is our industry's bottom dweller. Forget about them. They are weak and getting weaker every day. Their credential is bogus, their association is at least 1/2 unqualified newbies, they dump cheap inspections into our markets, they hurt everyone, and they offer their members nothing but invoices. They attract the stupid, and it shows.

With the tools NACHI offers members for free, I could become well trained as an inspector , create a gorgeous brochure for myself using , create a website for myself that sells inspection jobs for me using , get my site on , on and on , dig through , raise my prices through the roof, and exploit all the other gazillion NACHI business success tools available to members, then fly myself in a plane over top of any market totally dominated by an ASHI President, parachute in... and in three weeks... take it all away from him.

Lay out your best looking home inspection clothes tonight, set your alarm clock to ring an hour early, and tell yourself tonight that tomorrow... when that alarm clock rings... you are going to be the best inspector you can be. Believe it, act like it, charge like it, do that which the best inspector would do, and you will become the best. Allow the spiritual world or your religion or your self esteem or whatever help you get there. I'm pushing for you. Shut the TV off, throw out your torn T-shirts, stop buying beer, study something inspection related, call on a real estate agent and mail your brochure to the seller who's for sale sign you pass every day.

You have all the pieces of the puzzle... put them together!

Nick Gromicko

I much prefer email to private messages.

Originally Posted By: Nick Gromicko
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You know… in just 3 days at you could take your inspection business to a whole new level.

Take your business seriously, as if your life depends on it... because guess what? It does!

Nick Gromicko

I much prefer email to private messages.

Originally Posted By: wdecker
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What about in license states? You seem to totally disregard the state requirements and licensure.

Will Decker
Decker Home Services
Skokie, IL 60076

Originally Posted By: psabados
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You seem to totally disregard the state requirements and licensure

Let's take your state for an example. I do believe that the requirement is a total of 12 hours over a two year period. At this years convention we are offering 37 different sessions at a minimum of 2 hours each. How many and which one of these sessions should we apply for approval and pay the state registration fee? Furthermore, if all sessions were state registered and approved, your max. attainable CE would be 38 hours. You couldn't carryover that much CE for 6 years. So now what?

How lets say there is 5 or 6 sessions that you could possibly increase your knowledge, improve skills or you're just plain weak in that would be to your benefit. Do you attend because of a personal need or do you say "screw it, no CE credit"?

These training sessions that have been presented are not designed to meet a certain States education requirements. They are brought forward to the individual inspector to increase his or her skills and knowledge, to aid in development of business savy and to help them find ways to build their business growth.

If you know it all and don't feel the need for education for the true sense of education, then, by all means you don't need an event like this. Look at the schedule and subjects. If we can't offer you 3 days of quality education, then we are sorry for not fulfilling your expectations, maybe a little input for the next event would be helpful.


NACHI Vice President

NACHI Foundation, President

Convention Coordinator

Originally Posted By: sbyrnes
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so there aren’t any “donb’t be fooled by the short lister!” brochures?

All Corners Home Inspections, Inc

Serving Pasco, Hernando, N. Pinellas & N. Hillsborough counties

Originally Posted By: John Bowman
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Well said, Mr. Sabados. icon_biggrin.gif

Originally Posted By: Nick Gromicko
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in two ways…

  1. Licensing wipes out the equity in their own name that they built up over all the years because they can’t be any more “licensed” than their competitors. The state licensed list makes no distinctions.

  2. Licensing more than doubles the number of inspectors. Yes, it is true. Everywhere licensing is adopted, everyone jumps into the business as getting licensed is pretty easy everywhere except Texas.

Why do you think ASHI Tampa fought along side NACHI against licensing in Florida recently?

Licensing helps newbies for the same reasons as it hurts veterans. In non-licensed states a newbie has to fight hard for market share, licensing makes the newbie appear to be on an equal level with the most trained, experienced inspector. They are both licensed.

Licensing has little effect on consumers as most consumers don't put any stock in being "licensed." They assume that all professionals are operating legally. Read Anyway, licensing is such a bare minimum standard that in actual terms, it means nothing to consumers. Being licensed is like being up to code, it is the bottom in that if you did anything less it would be illegal. Being licensed is really is nothing to brag about and consumers couldn't care less.

Nick Gromicko

I much prefer email to private messages.

Originally Posted By: Nick Gromicko
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technical classes that qualify for state CEs. We want to appeal to the serious inspector, hell bent on becoming the best and building a profitable business.

If you check out carefully you will realize that attendance will launch your inspection career into the next level... maybe even a few levels.

Nick Gromicko

I much prefer email to private messages.

Originally Posted By: jburkeson
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gromicko wrote:
Licensing helps newbies for the same reasons as it hurts veterans. In non-licensed states a newbie has to fight hard for market share, licensing makes the newbie appear to be on an equal level with the most trained, experienced inspector. They are both licensed.

That only works if the licensing requirements are weak as in Florida's HB-315. If the licensing requirements are stricter then the cost to enter the business, newbies can only benefit if they meet the requirements which usually means money. Do we really want to become the profession of last choice flooded with deadbeats who couldn't make it in other professions?

For instance, today in Florida, someone can buy their county occupation license, print a few business cards, take an non-proctored on-line test (or have someone else take it for them, who is to know) and Presto, Chango NACHI-Ka-Zam! they is a certified home inspector. No training, no testing, no experience necessary.

I realize that most shake-&-bake's don't survive, very few blossom into home inspection professionals regardless of the association they choose to join, but during their short stay among us they tend to cheapen the experience for everyone else who has paid the price to be here.

I don't want to deny anyone the opportunity to become a home inspector, I would just like that decision cost more then a day at the races.

Joseph Burkeson, RPI (Hooperette)

?Anyone who has proclaimed violence his method inexorably must choose lying as his principle.?
~ Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

Originally Posted By: Blaine Wiley
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I can only ditto Paul and Nicks posts.

Paul, Joe F., Aimee and Nick have done a wonderful job of putting together a complete program of speakers and classes for the home inspector businessman. Great work, folks!

Originally Posted By: Nick Gromicko
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state licensing programs dumping them into our markets and the no requirements ASHI candidate program dumping them into our markets, the CPI or CMI attempt in Tampa seems pretty smart to me.

Let our veterans at NACHI charge more, do fewer inspections, and the rest of us can follow right behind them.

The number of inspections to be done is a CONSTANT. The only way we can make more money (as an industry) is to raise prices... and that starts with the top... pulling.

Nick Gromicko

I much prefer email to private messages.