Originally Posted By: tshields This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Anyone give me some info on septic system inspections? I dont do them now but realize I am losing business by not doing them. A local mortgage company said they could have 8 to 10 per month for me if I would do them. This would be independent of HI insp. They told me they are usually charged about $75.00 for one, the guy usually does the dye test.
What is involved in this, liability, reporting etc. Plus where do you get the dye and perform the inspection?
Originally Posted By: Tom Turner This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I wish you had ask me at the KREIA meeting Thursday night. I had some dye power and would been glad to give you some. I have quit doing septic inspections. I sub this high liability inspection out to local plumbers that specialize in septic work and I still make about the same as I did when I did the inspections myself. You do need to contact the local health departments to see if you are allowed to run septic inspections in your area. Some counties in KY. only allow "qualified persons" to perform septic inspections.
The above link is information about dye testing for the purpose of letting everyone know what s#!t it is. It has nothing to do with the FHA requirements or any mortgagee letter.