Septic tank evaluation program

Attached is some history and where some want it to go with this.

Sounds good…my question is how can we capitalize on the situation. If this is going to become a law then lets set up a way to evaluate these things. NOT repair, just evaluate. With the cost of everything being so low, how much can a honey dipper truck cost? What will it take to get licensed…Lets find a way to create revenue…its here lets use it to our advantage. Right now I bet there are a TON of licensed septic contractors loving this…but is there an UNBIASED company available?

Hell I just found one rebuilt for $11,000

I have not read the info yet but it sounds like a S h i t t y job to me.

Here you are

I think we should get a sub to look at it for us while we are doing the inspection. Have them give us a deal and charge your client what you want. That or hire a licensed plumber that is willing to drive a truck.

That was the first thing I thought. I will be subcontracting out that service.

I have quickly looked at the application and it is not one we can just get with classes, BUT there is a Septic Contractor in a different state that I know of. MAYBE he can give us some insight.

The thing I hate most is another inspector stepping foot on my job. It drives me NUTS. I don’t know why, it just does. Most likely because I see money flying out the window. #2 the other situation I dislike is that the people inspecting them are going to be the people repairing them. Now tell me thats not a conflict of interest. I hate it when people are at the mercy of another. In todays world I wish I could say most people are honest and forthright…but I don’t think thats the case.

Guess I am just different…If it were me I would not SUB anything…and to this point, I don’t. When people think, 'I need this inspected", I want them to think O thats right call Comprehensive Building Consultants they inspect everything.

I agree with all you are saying but my stomach does not.

I have a issue with nasty smells.

I went to a house one day and almost choked on piss smell from outside the front door.

I was so happy she did not have an attic. I really do not think I could have went into the house.

Something to consider: It appears that the inspection will be needed every five years. I see this as an advantage in scheduling. – These inspections could be grouped together and scheduled in various counties as to allow one joint venture (one shared pump out truck) between several home inspectors to capitalize on this opportunity, while being able to offer this service in house. These inspections could be booked out with a week or more leed time to allow for trave. My partner is a Professional Engineer (based in Sarasota) and can meet the licensing requirements. Russ, John and others, lets talk about this at the meeting! A subsidiary company held by a few inspectors is better than no company at all. As growth is realized in each geo-specific region, that inspector could branch out and control their demographic region entirely. Its a way to reach the market initially without breaking the bank. A simple disclosure to the homeowner that you have financial interest in the subsidiary company should cover the conflict of interest. I don’t think there is a way to completely elliminate all conflicts of interest in this situation, since a repair or pump out is mandated by the ruling (law). The client would always have the final say as to whom they chose to do the repairs.

Well put Dennis and I thought the same thing as well. But as I talked to John this AM he had a great point, why don’t we come with a letter and send it to our state representatives so they can make an INSPECTION only license. We can push our already obtained knowledge, take a state approved course (Maybe Nick can help out), and then push the INSPECTION only aspect indicating that we are then to only inform the client as to the conditions that are present and have no financial interest on SELLING anything. It is what it is. I feel that this economy can start a WHOLE bunch of needless “Repairs” that are questionable at best.

Input? Thoughts?

I think this it the best option for all… well except for the septic guys.:wink:

I am going to talk to a few plumbers I know and maybe I can do a joint venture with them

Russ, I was exploring that angle as well. The unknown here are the parameters of the required inspection. I would assume that the concern is the groundwater contamination caused by solids reaching the drain field (essentially septic failure). I believe that the purpose of this inspection will be to induce septic pump outs prior to septic failures, thereby reducing contamination.
There are only a few NON - INVASIVE things that can be inspected. For instance, an inspector could visually inspect the following components:
Proximity to wells, streams, lakes and ponds.
Type of soil in vicinity (ie rocky or sandy)
Size of drain field and the steepness of embankment.
Proneness to flooding - Standing water.
Gutters - Redirection of surface and subsurface water away from drain field.
Whether kitchen garbage disposal is present.
Broken tank lids and/or depressed soil at tank location indicating soil “wash in”.
Foul odors emitting.
Soggy sewage erupting from at surface.
Signs of recent excavation.
Removal of cleanout to determine flow and/or blockage.
The necessary inspection of septic tanks and drain fields really involves INVASIVE task such as:
Excavation of distribution box to determine if clogged , leaking or solids present.
Excavation and removal of septic tank lid to determine sludge, scum and water levels, and to determine if interior baffles are broken.
There is also a “loading and dye test that can be performed. It is somewhat useful, but is controversial and not conclusive. It consist of adding a dye to a toilet any running a large volume of water from all sources to see if blockage in the building occurs, or if there is breakout of effluent (possibly dyed) anywhere on the property.
Typically, from what I know from experience with septic systems, the inspection almost consist of the actual work (ie pump out). You basically do a pump out when the tank is full of solids — how do you determine this? People normally call when their septic backs up. Most people just wait until failure to look for the remedy. It normally starts with the pump out, then the drain field blast, then the total replacement of the drain field earth and ballast rock. Sooo - I don’t think there is really a way to inspect a septic tank and drain field without initiating work. I think that the logic here is to require schedule maintenance as a means of keeping contaminants from entering and fowling drain fields. Grease, salts, body oils along with food by-products are the biggest cause of failure.
In summary, I believe that a visible inspection of general conditions at the site can be performed, but will only point to potential problems. A loading and dye test is pretty much non conclusive, so that leads only to the physical and invasive measures such removal of tank lids and excavating portions of the field for visible inspection. Most septic companies perform a pump out and then simply see how the systems performs thereafter.

Sorry Dennis…I am talking about pumping it out as well. Sorry for the confusion. But to also just INSPECT. Not INSTALL or REPAIR. We would still pump it out, maybe come up with a few pics in a form to maybe send to the client so they can forward it to the DOH. Do it BETTER…hell we already know how to write reports and I know we can do it better than septic guys…

All i’m saying is that this inspection probably will require the pump out to meet the purpose – We can always report the amount of crap that we pump out. hehe

Then you will write crappy reports:twisted:

poo pumper -check the tag out!

No problem, pumpers aren’t that expensive. NOW is the time to buy this stuff, if you can. Stuff is so freakin cheap its unreal!

Inspection meeting requirements = 15 minutes = $75.00
Septic pump out = 45 minutes = $150.00
Six per day x 6
5 days a week x 5

                                 MIGHT BE PROFITABLE

Doubtful that 45 minutes. Find tank, uncoil hose, dig up lid, create hole or split tank lid, start pumping, recoil hose on truck, seal tank lid cover with earth. You might be able to do six in one day but don’t forget the truck will need to take a dump too. I don’t think you will be able to do 6 a day 5 days a week. But hell yeah it’s profitable why else would anyone do it.