I am looking into purchasing a tracer so I can locate Septic Systems easier. What are some suggestions for a good tracer that anyone has? The thing that worry me the most is loosing the tracer that I flush / the expense for replacing them. Plus I really don’t want to have to fish through sludge to get a tracer out of a tank to reuse it if I don’t need too.
If someone hasn’t invented a tracer with a fishing line that can be attached to it, maybe now is the time…or a magnetic tracer and an extendable heavy duty magnet to retrieve it?
I have found myself wishing I had one while looking for a tank but don’t and understand this equipment is expensive.
From someone who does many septic inspections in a year, get a ground probe as they are about $50.00 for a 42".
Although its manual labor, this works best most of the time.
If the level is low and it hasn’t been pumped out for years, I recommend a septic company pump, clean and repair.
Otherwise I simply note levels, flow in/out and baffle condition and drain field condition.
I do see some low and possibly leaking but often its a vacation home that was pumped out in the not too distant past and not used and still hasn’t filled up with the minimal use.