I see many Request to Remedy(s) that say serious hazard.
I thought that I would share the definition that the Board of Building Standards uses since all material defects are based in code. This was from some of the paperwork handed out during Ohio Building Code Academy 2.0
That must be horrible in Ohio, so if I read the posts right … over there an apt or building maintenance technician, facilities techs, contractors, etc can NOT open a panel … JUST licensed electricians??
Bullshit! You have presented nothing at all that supports that claim and it has been refuted numerous times, yet you still perpetuate the bullshit.
Only an ESI may perform an “electrical inspection”. The term “electrical inspection” which is typically assumed to be generic, has specific code compliance meaning in Ohio (written by the same geniuses who wrote into law that only licensed persons can perform “reckless” inspections). Only an ESI can perform an “electrical inspection” (i.e., code compliance inspection). Nothing states that a home inspector cannot inspect the electrical components inside a panel. In fact, the state Board of Building Standards has said exactly the opposite, provided the HI makes no representation as to code compliance.
Please show me the OBBS opinion to back your ‘claim’.
I get my opinions from my state not from Not Chuck. I share these rules so that those who choose to follow them will be able to legally continue to operate their home inspection business.If you choose not to follow the information that I share then so be it.
It is not “makes no representation” it is “includes any ascertainment of compliance”.
Once a building (home) receives a C of O it becomes an existing building. Chapter 34 applies.
The OBBS has the ultimate say on buildings in Ohio. R.C. 4764 limits what a home inspection is. The inside of an electrical panel is excluded from a home inspection (in Ohio).
Your state allows you to comment on the inside. Ohio doesn’t.
Here is the OAC powers of the OBBS. Show me where they gave home inspectors the power that you continue to ‘claim’ they have to inspect the inside of an electrical panel. See link.
101.2 Scope.The provisions of the “Ohio Building Code”, the “Ohio Mechanical Code”, and the “Ohio Plumbing Code” shall apply to the construction, alteration, movement, enlargement, replacement, repair, equipment, use and occupancy, location, maintenance, removal and demolition of every building or structure or any appurtenances connected or attached to such buildings or structures.
You claimed earlier that you don’t have these. I know, it was just more B.S.
It’s been posted numerous times. Go find it and read the actual words yourself.
Once again, you’re looking in the wrong place. Home inspectors do not perform code compliance inspections. 4101:1-1 doesn’t even mention “home inspection” nor do 4101:7-1-02 and 4781-7-03. 4764 does address home inspections but does not place any such limitation on home inspectors.
You have made a definitive claim that home inspectors may not inspect the electrical components inside of panels. The onus is on you to defend and support your bogus claims.
I absolutely do, which is why I don’t want InterNACHI inspectors to assume that the definition for the term “electrical inspection” in Ohio is intuitive less they fall victim to the kind of misrepresentations that you attempt to perpetuate here.
4101:7-1-02 Definitions.
(V) Practice of electrical inspection. The ascertainment of compliance with the rules of the board relating to electrical systems by a person, who, for compensation, inspects the construction and installation of electrical conductors, fittings, devices, and fixtures for light, heat or power services equipment, or the installation, alteration, replacement, maintenance, or repair of any electrical wiring and equipment that is subject to any of the aforementioned codes.
Ohio home Inspectors do not perform the practice of “electrical inspection”, which has a very specific and narrow definition in Ohio Law. That does not mean that they cannot perform inspections of electrical systems provided that they do not represent that they have made any “ascertainment of compliance with the rules of the board relating to electrical systems”
You’re still full of shit.
Time for you to take the basic home inspector’s exam.
That is correct. A visual inspection only. Finally you got it!
" a report indicating the state of function, operation or relative hazards," from Mark Roe’s post: Ohio Electrical Inspection Rules
Thanks for your feedback on Code Academy 2.0 and your comments regarding the role of BBS-certified inspectors vs home inspectors. As I am sure you are aware, over the years we have been contacted by realtors, homeowners, contractors etc… asking about the role of a home inspector and the meaning of the home inspector report as it related to code compliance. We would explain that home inspectors are not performing code inspections and should not indicate such on their reports. Now that the regulation of home inspectors is placed under the authority of the Division of Real Estate here in the Department of Commerce, we are now in a much better position to improve the understanding of the roles just as you suggest. Since the adoption of the home inspector licensing law, I have had conversations with Division of Real Estate Superintendent Anne Petit who is very open to working with us to ensure clarification of roles and authority. Real Estate has pending proposed rules for home inspectors and Supt Petit contacted us directly for comment to address this issue. We offered the language in the attached to be included the Home Inspector Cannon of Ethics Rule. The inclusion of such language we believe will address yours and ours concerns in ensuring homeowners understand the limitations of home inspector authority as they relate to code compliance.
I’ll post that language again:
Licensees shall not characterize their inspection results in a home inspection report as
representing a determination of compliance with Ohio Residential, Mechanical,
Plumbing, or Electrical Codes, determining the existence of serious hazards as defined
in OAC 4101:8-01, or recommending the method or process for remediation.
If the cover is removed what are you inspecting? If you comment on how the components are installed then you are performing an illegal electrical inspection.
The inside of an electrical panel is NOT readily accessible. It requires a screwdriver to remove it (a tool).
What I don’t understand Mike, is why you are so worried about what everyone else is doing. I do my job the best I can. If someone wants to do it differently or not follow rules, then that is on them, and to be honest I don’t give a shit. If someone asks my opinion and then tells me I’m an idiot or I don’t know what I’m doing, then so be it.
It makes life so much better and easier to just shrug my shoulders and move on.
I sleep well every night.
It’s called the rule of law. It is also called fraud.
That is not acceptable when talking about life/safety. Why do you think that it is the only certificate to use the verbiage “certificate of competency”.
I don’t think that you are stupid or lack caring for your clients, I just don’t see why you think that the law does not apply to you.
I earned my certificate and I don’t like the fact that you act as if you are qualified to do what I tested to do. In fact I was not allowed to take the test until I got the state’s permission.
I have 17 years as an ESI but I can’t be hired or contract with a certified building department because I don’t have the 5 years required here:
That is stupid BUT it is the law. I could very easily contract to perform electrical plans examination just as I contract to perform electrical inspections BUT I can’t.
You got a license to perform home inspections. Should a handyman be allowed to perform home inspection because he claims he is qualified. No.
Ohio’s rules are strict and for good reason. Do you do mold, radon or other licensed services in addition to your now regulated profession?
This may not be decided until April but do you want to provide a free electrical inspection to all of the clients you have had since becoming licensed?
Do you not understand that I am trying to give you advanced warning? I am not giving ASHI members the same heads-up.
At least InterNACHI has nothing to fear from the Sherman Act.
I think you misunderstood what I was saying. What I’m trying to say is I don’t give a shit what anyone else does. I’m not going to waste my time worrying if everyone else is following the rules/laws. I do my best to abide by any regulations but I’m not going to lose sleep if someone else doesn’t. It seems as if you are more concerned with what everyone else is doing.
I guess what I’m trying to say is just let it go man.