Originally Posted By: bfralin This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Currently I am doing practice inspections on friends and families home to gain practice and confidence. I was inspecting my Aunt’s house today and noticed that her service cable (from the power company) ran across her roof. At the ridgeline the cable gets to about 1’ in height above the roof. To me, this seems like a problem. One reason, do-it-yourselfers installing a new roof could be electrocuted. Also, possible damage from a downed power line to the house. Would this be the local power company’s issue or the homeowner’s? Is this a fair assessment or should it be more detailed? Any comments would be appreciated.
Originally Posted By: jonofrey This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Your instincts are correct but this issue is a fundamental lesson taught in the most basic of inspection courses. Many here on this board could answer this question for you but I suggest you get some formal training or some good reference material and dig up the answer yourself.
If you are inspecting practice homes at this point, you may be putting the cart before the horse. Your initiative is honorable and any exposure to the profession is good but my advice to you is "work smarter and not harder".
Now go find some code check books before Igor gets here.
Originally Posted By: bfralin This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Thanks for the advice. Actually, I leave Friday for my training class. I guess you could say I'm doing an unsupervised internship. I hope I didn't bother you with the question. Yeah you're right I better check out some code books b4 Igor signs on. I've seen his thoughts on new HI's. Corporate America thinks the same way. They want a 22 year old MBA graduate with 10 years of management experience for an entry-level position. That's why I'm getting the he?? out of it all.
Originally Posted By: jonofrey This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Good for you. Your brother and sister NACHI members will look forward to helping you on this journey.
I couldn't agree more with you on the corporate B.S.  You are way ahead of me on that one. It only took me 20 years to figure that one out. Better late than never.