I would appreciate any comments anyone would have on this service entrance I came across… this is a residential home that still has some electric heat inside (gas Rinnai heaters as well)… but the service coming in is massive… have a look…
it indicates two 200 AMP services coming in… with some wires splitting off and going to the meter… the main panel consists only of two 150 A breakers… there is an additional panel adjacent to the Main as well as another on the opposite end of the home…
beyond the entrance size… my concern was this flimsy looking wiring going to the meter…
That is a CT metered service. Those things marked “200” are CTs, or current transformers. The wires going to the meter are simply carrying the readings the CTs take. They carry NO load from the house. In fact, the line into the house is not broken anywhere by a meter or meter pan.
The CTs are like big amprobe meters, only permanent.
the pictures are not the clearest but the main panel had two 150 A breakers that went to the adjacent panel and there was a third panel located at the other end of the home as well.
lol…the old Doorbell transformer in the panel picture…lol…tapped off breakers…defer…while the service MAY be ok…i cant actually see the main service ( not shown )…their is enough issues to defer at this point.
The big weatherhead has four hot conductors and two neutrals entering it…
The smaller weatherhead has 6 conductors entering it, 4 of which are connected to what look like smaller transformers attached to the CT 200’s and so must be hot, and 2 that go somewhere that’s not clear to me (but which I thought would splice into the neutrals somewhere…
This wouldn’t mean there are 12 conductors, 9 hot and 3 neutral, all entering the main panel (if the other 2 are distribution panels) via different masts? Then two 150 amp breakers feeding the second panel? What about the 3rd panel?
Judging from the conductor numbers and sizes, it looks like there ought to be something like two 200 amp main panels and two 100 amp main panels in the home.
Chances are they just ran parallel conductors…and the smaller mast on the right is just for the metering of the conductors…as speedy stated
I just did this the other day....ran 6 # 2/0 Cu's on a Latteral....using one 200A enclosure as a raceway to feed the second......400A setup....
We would need to see the inside of the main to know the whole story.....always get pics of the main panel cover off views...
But then again…what do i know…I am over protective…lol