Originally Posted By: jmyers This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
And I don't even like to see two. Look at it this way. How many shingle manufacturers recommend two layers of shingle? How many recommend three? How many recommend four?
Originally Posted By: Aldo Marcozzi This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Hi ! ! all
I can hear you guy's laughing  but this is a summary of my story.
When I was running my own General Building Construction Comp. and after the process of inspecting the job from bottom to top before submitting the bid, the State award us the job.
The house was under the historical preservation which was donated by a wealthy person.
We knew the problem with the roof, from inside of the attic you can see the cedar shingles and the old 2 x 6 all dry out and sagged quite of bit
First impression of my estimator and I was the large span of the rafters, ho! ! well roof and rafters has to be removed any way.
Because the house was very high, we check the roof from the street which was covered with 3 tabs fiberglass shingles.
My estimator remarks: " looks like a Chinese pagoda" he was right.
We start removing the roof and for our this is what we found:
1. One layer of 3 tabs fiberglass shingles
2. One layer of 3 tabs asphalt shingles
3. One layer of 3/8" plywood
4. One layer of metal roofing
5. One layer of leveling boards above cedar shingles
and finally......6. One layer of cedar shingles
Not wonder why the poor 2 x 6 rafters were sagged.
Dave was surprised with 4 layer of shingles, we were
Belive it or not this is the end of the story.
As inspectors we are shocked when we see something wrong, as builders we getting angry, frustrate, mad to see how people do any thing crazy
Originally Posted By: jmyers This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
That is a good one. I actually found three layers of shingle on a house with the first layer being a cedar shingle being used as sheathing. The listing agent tried to tell me it was ok because it was not against codes when it was put on. I said sure and speeding is legal until you get caught. 
Anyway...I really did not have a problem with them using the cedar shingle as sheathing, the roof was in good shape and did not leak. I did however let the buyer know that when it did fail it would be pretty expensive to replace since they would have to remove everything (two layers of asphalt shingle and the cedar shingle) and replace the sheathing first before the new roof could be installed. To my surprise they did not really seem to care, they did not ask for anything to be fixed.
I wonder how I always seem to get the people that are so reasonable.