Ok guys I dumped my pic’s because my file ranath over was almost out of Nachi limit for storage.
I have some images here that kind of puzzled me until I did some extensive exploring. I had two test devices that I was unsure to believe or not. When I make a call for repairs I want to know in my mind that it is 100% correct. The moisture meter was reading high moisture and the Camera was indicating moisture. The reason I was not trusting the moisture meter was I was testing into and through a petroleum based floor tile which I had never done before and did not know if the tile itself would read High and had no other tile to test at the inspection. So I found some like tile at my home and tested for moisture content where I was positive there was no other source of moisture and wallah it tested at below 10%. I reported in my report that there appeared to be a water leak from the area of the shower stall drain line as this was a fiberglass stall and had no tile. If I am wrong I will just eat this inspection which I don’t think I am.
Anyone experience any difficult areas such as Petroleum based floor tile I would be interested in your thoughts
I don’t have anything on that particular tile. But along that thought, it might be good to develop a shared database on normal moisture readings in different materials in different environments. I know it couldn’t be absolute. Generally, I try taking readings somewhere else on the material in the same room but away from the questionable area. But that is not always possible.
Charley that shower enclosure and door looks like it may be part of the problem along with that water pipe. the flooring in the area of that pipe looks like its up on the base board. I have 2 moisture meters one with contact pads no damage to the flooring/or walls and the other has contact points.
this type of flooring i just use the contact pad meter.
I would list the shower door and enclosure to be inspected as part of the repairs. did you see the leak from the sub-structure ?
No sub flooring shower was in a basement with concrete floor. The only high moisture reading that I was able to obtain was in direct line with the drain and on the wall away from the door. The home had been vacant for months with no one using the shower. If I made the wrong call, too late now I will just pay for it and move on. I will follow this repair but my guess is that I am right. I suspect that the plumber making repairs will be able to see the leak by removing the drain cover insert.